Chapter Five

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When I wake the next day—at the crack of dawn, there's a second where I don't believe the events of the night before. Then a smile spreads across my face just from remembering the way Jordan had looked at me.

It can't be real.

Almost bludgeoning him with an umbrella. The pre-drinks. The nightclub. The way he caught me. The vomit. God, the vomit... I should check on Kerry this morning.

It almost seems ridiculous, like that much shouldn't happen to one singular person. But it did. It had happened to me and he still stuck around, sick in my hair and all.

I groan and get to my feet, pulling the awful blue curtains to the side and looking out at the campus. I feel like I'm on holiday and will have to go home soon, except I live here now.

Not really sure what to do with myself and a bit nervous about heading out into halls alone, I start tidying. If mum could see me making my bed should would have an absolute field day. I even fold my pyjamas and leave them on my pillow - something I haven't done a day in my life.

I root through my chest of draws and pull out a pair of comfortable leggings, my favourite Oxford Uni jumper and get dressed.

Standing in front of my tiny mirror, I can't believe how much I look like myself. I feel so different, so out of place.

I throw my hair into a bun and spend an uncomfortable amount of time deciding whether today is a day for makeup. Ultimately I decide I don't want to run the risk of not wearing any and bumping into Jordan. A bit of sheer foundation and a light lipgloss, nothing too heavy.

Then, I finally bite the bullet to leave my little box to check on Kerry. Maybe she will be awake too. Maybe I'll have a friend to join me in getting a coffee. I pad along the corridor, the halls painted that horrible mauve colour all schools are painted, the lights low except the fire exit signs.

I can hear the distinct muffled sounds of Kerry's snore as I creep closer.

Suddenly, there's a whisper from behind me, "She's okay."

I jump out of my skin, "HOLY SHIT." Then I spin around only to be faced with Jordan.

"Sorry," he murmurs.

"What are you, crazy?" I hiss. "Why are you creeping around the halls like Freddie Kruger?"

He meets my gaze, smiling to himself. "You're creeping around the halls."

I blink. I mean, he's not wrong.

He looks down at me. "I just checked on her, not that I needed to since I can hear her. She's fine."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Do you not sleep or something?"

He looks mildly offended and gestures to himself. "Do I look like I haven't slept?"

I look him up and down. "No, you look great-" I pause to stop myself from physically wincing. Get it together, Autumn, you utter creep. "You look alright. I mean, you look like you've slept."

There's a small smile on his face. "As in, you find me attractive or I just look alright?"

I feel myself go beetroot. Does he want me to admit I think he's hotter than the sun? "You have a nice face but you're creeping around the hallways like Gollum, that's not usually my type."

He tilts his head to the side and looks at me. "What's your usual type then?"

I feel myself go completely still, my eyes widen. You! You moronic hallway creeper! "Uh - you know, the usual. People who sleep and don't dwell in hallways like Edward Cullen on crack-"

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