Sleep Paralysis Demon - Part 4

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Contains: sexual scenes
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Wake up

Lori jolted awake to the familiar feeling of the sleep paralysis demon showing up. But when his eyes adjusted and focused to the dim light, it wasn't the usual demon he saw above him. It was Witch. Straddling him, hand on his throat. He was confused but wasn't going to argue, even if he could.

"I think it's time for a bit of payment," Witch said, her hand moving from his neck to the middle of his chest. She leaned forward, her weight pressing down—heavier than what he was expecting. Heavy enough to labor his breathing. The weight pressed through him, freezing his breath within him. As she leaned in closer, her face distorted:

Her eyes became vacant pits, dripping with inky sludge; her mouth gaped impossibly wide with angler fish teeth; her face sallowed, dehydrated, cracked off.

The adrenaline coursing through Lori changed to a sour sort.

Witch—or the monstrous countenance of her—continued to lean in close. Then swallowed him in darkness. Malevolent laughter echoed around him, feeling both far and close. A clawed hand grabbed him. Pulled him. Sent him spinning in the unanchored darkness. Just as he started to feel ill, there was a sharp inhaling sound and the laughter stopped. He stopped spinning. All there was, was his pounding heartbeat.

Then freefall.

He jolted again—was he actually awake this time? He still couldn't move. And he was at an angle? Finding himself bound naked to his upturned bed, Lori couldn't make sense of this turn of events.

"If you hadn't been so desperate to fuck me, you might've gotten to," I said, stepping out of the shadows. I stood a couple paces in front of him, fists on my hips, looking somewhere between unimpressed and annoyed. "Did you really think you could manipulate a witch? Especially one that works with a deity?"

Lori's ears drooped back as he refused to look at me, to answer me.

"Do not try to trick a witch," I coldly scolded. "If you try to sleaze behind one's back to alter a deal, you will face consequences. But—thankfully, for you—your sleep demon has agreed to a compromise."

He stopped looking completely pathetic for a moment and glanced at me. "Compromise?"

"Yup." I started to strip. "The demon will help pay part of the price you owe, while you get cucked. And before you think that you'll actually enjoy this to any degree, know this: this memory will be cursed; so if you ever try to fantasize about this, you'll fall into a painful nightmare. Understand?"

He nodded meekly. "Yes ma'am."

I shot him an incredulous look. "You did not just 'ma'am' me..."

"Sorry." Such short responses now. Humiliation and shame really took the words out of him.

I lie down on the little bed I made on the floor with what pillows and blankets I could find. My Patron provided me a fast-acting soporific. I took it. I cannonballed into darkness, into sleep. Then, in a quick snap that felt like ice on my nerves, I was awake again.

And it was there above me. The demon.

Its hand touched my thigh, sending both a chilling and fiery shiver crawling over my skin. But I couldn't actually shiver. I couldn't move at all. This sleep paralysis felt like perpetually screaming and thrashing against myself to no avail. It was oddly exhausting to not be able to do anything.

My trail of thoughts dispersed as the demon's other hand touched my hip and slid up the side of my torso. It was triggering such a heady feeling. I felt floaty. Almost out of my body, yet tied to every speck of my essence to a heightened degree. If this was what he felt, I could see what drew Lori to not rid himself of this demon.

It leaned towards my face. Its tongue snaked out and licked the side of my neck. But it kept coming. It dug behind, under, and around my neck. Around and around, the never-ending tongue wrapped. When I had no more neck for it to encircle, its tongue started to lick down my chest, the thicker body of its slimy tongue lapping back and forth over my breasts. Its tongue continued lower. Pushing my leg to the side, the tongue lazily collected between my legs, slowly moving against my thighs and pussy. The growing weight and enwrapment of the demon's tongue sparked memories of a certain naga.

In a swift, slick movement, the tongue adjusted, the tip now extending a good arm's length from my neck. The rest of the tongue relaxed back to its slothful undulation over the various parts of my body. I looked at the tip of the tongue. What was it planning? Another memory sparked in my mind. As if spurred by it, the tongue wiggled its way into my mouth. Down my throat just enough to choke my breath. Then it withdrew. I gasped to regain my regular breathing pattern. But I couldn't catch it. Not before the tongue repeated its penetration in and down my mouth, again and again.

Just as I started to get used to that sensation, it started pressing pass my other lips. With the thickness of the tongue doubled over, it took a slow steady effort for it to stretch me out and fill me deep. But oh did it fill me. The way it undulated within my pussy, never fully filling nor leaving, was definitely a new sensation—not a bad one, just new. All the while rubbing my clit, too.

Soon things got messy. The demon's tongue started oozing a slimy substance. It was thicker than saliva, but unlike any other substance I could think of. Not that I could think of much in the moment. And it might've been a side-effect of the ooze, or it could've been another hidden trait of its tongue, but it felt rougher now too. Now it grazed over my skin and in my holes with a bumpy texture that made me want to shiver and cry out in the most delicious of ways. But since I was paralyzed, my body could only silently scream, unable to react or respond.

I grew warm and buzzy. Between my oncoming orgasm and the magic syphoning my Patron started, my senses were beginning to feel overstimulated. Then the demon changed its rhythm and thrust its tongue in and out in a much more familiar manner. The intensity built and built. When my climax hit, the high was swiftly sapped away to retain its magical potency, leaving me whiplashed and disappointed I didn't get to enjoy it.

The demon retracted his tongue then moved over to Lori. My role of the night was done. Once my strength returned, I got up and looked at Lori, who was now beginning to be used by the demon too. "Remember," I told him. "Don't try to cross a witch. And I'd say 'enjoy your night' but I know you won't." I shrugged, picked up my clothes, then went to freshen up in the bathroom before returning home.

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