Vampire - Part 5

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Aleril left shortly after we finished—I didn't want him staying the night. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was gone. He wore me out. At least I slept soundly.

I actually slept through my morning wake up call. And through room service trying to bring me breakfast. By the time I checked the clock, I scrambled to get presentable and hurried down before I missed my meal entirely.

I speed-walked down the hall and straightened my dress along the way. Voices from further ahead slowed my pace. As I drew closer, I couldn't help but eavesdrop some. But once I was close enough to make out what they were saying, I stopped dead.

"If the Lottery occurred swiftly enough," Antun said to someone in the archaic language my charm had trouble translating. "Shall that unkin bleed for such slights to our Lord."

"Stock needn't gold," mused an almost familiar voice. Erzsébet? I think that was the predatory vampire woman from yesterday. The accent was making it difficult to be certain. "Shame to keep that unkin till we finish of her work."

"Shame too, her blood savored not," Antun sneered. "Live on Corvinilor, rest bleed." He recited it like a moto. The other person—still guessing Erzsé-bitch— mimicked the saying back to him. I heard their footsteps going in opposite directions, neither towards me thankfully.

I stayed frozen in the hall, having lost my appetite. I replayed the little bit of conversation I caught over and over. The NDA had mentioned a lottery but lacked details. But if Antun's puzzled words suggested anything, I was hedging bets it was a death lottery. Gathering from the "her blood savored not" bit, it looked like I would be a part of it as well.

I took a steadying breath and returned to my room. There were things I had to prepare since it looked like I'd be making a swift exit. While I felt confident that they couldn't simply kill me, I didn't want to test it. I took the haversack charm off my necklace and tossed it on the bed. The charm, like my broom, was spelled and now grew to full size. It wasn't often I used this one—it was limited use and expensive—but now it was the only way to keep my things, and keep them inconspicuous.

A servant came for me right as I tossed my last few items in the bag. "One minute! I'm still changing," I called, lying. I closed the bag, shrank it back to a charm, and attached it to my necklace before answering the door. The servant eyed me curiously and I forced a smile. "Sorry. Lead the way."

They led me to the ballroom again. Today there was more play but this time, everything was beyond my risk profile.

It was still mid-morning yet and people were already dripping thin trails of blood as they were suspended on hooks. Others were suspended in rope and dually engaged in bloody knife play. The humans that weren't suspended were mostly engaged in either knife play, needle play, or rough impact play that broke the skin.

Today's theme must be blood. Such an unsettling thought knowing what they planned for tonight.

After a cursory glance of the room, I kept my focus within my station. If I met the eyes of any of the vampires, I might give away that I knew what was to come. Did the humans know about the lottery? By the moon and gods, with Corvin's love of theatrics I could picture them literally bathing in their blood. I shuddered and did my best to push those images from my mind.

"So uptight today," crooned a familiar voice. "And here I thought I did a good job of sating you last night."

"You're here early, Aleril."

He picked up one the blood replenishing potions I just finished and rolled the vial in his hand. "Today's the finale of the Blut und Eis Gala. One shouldn't waste a moment of this day."

"And you're spending time talking to me? I'm so honored," I teased. He side-eyed me and raised a knowing brow. He was in as much of a flirting mood as I was.

He drifted behind the table into my work area and caged me between his arms. He leaned in close. "I'm feeling selfish right now. Shall we go somewhere more private?"

It wasn't a question, which was why he didn't wait for an answer before hooking a finger under the collar of my dress and guiding me towards the door. I wasn't pleased with him pulling me in such a way but I didn't argue—at least he hadn't grabbed my necklace.

"You need to get out of here," he said under his breath once we were in the hall. Of course he knew what they planned for me.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry," he smiled. He took my hand and placed a quick kiss on the back of my fingers. "They can't do much to me."

I didn't know where he was taking me, but we didn't make it. A couple vampires stepped into the hallway up ahead and it was clear they planned on stopping us. Aleril changed course and pulled me into a side room.

"You need to get out of here. Don't go home; they'll look for you there."

"I'm not afraid of Lord Corvin."

"You should be." My heart squeezed from how concerned he was. He placed his hand on the side of my neck, his thumb stroking over my pulse point. "It's a shame we didn't have more time together."

I grabbed him by the lapels and pulled him into a rough kiss. His fingers curled on the back of my neck, his nails digging in and scratching me ever so faintly. His other hand grabbed my hip. Our bodies pressed together sending echoes of the night before shuddering through me. It was temping to spend a few risky minutes fooling around.

He pulled away then took something out of his jacket pocket. It was a necklace. He unlatched it and I pulled my hair out of the way so he could put it on me. "Keep this on you. It will help you get through the forest."

I looked at the pendant. It was a simple metal branch or antler, nothing fancy or intricate. "Find me after things settle."

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