Deity - Part 4

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With two days remaining I invoked O'dos. Today, they wore the guise of a volcanic, fire genasi draped in a black silk ensemble befitting a god. I gave them a desultory bow. Butterflies danced within me. I had accepted becoming a mother, but I was still nervous about the demi-god part.

"Are you ready, my witchling?" Fuck, they didn't need to say it like that. All I could do was nod. They waved their hand above the table, materializing a small bottle. "Add this to your tea. Make sure to drink it all."

I picked up the bottle to examine it. Inside was a grainy, gold powder. "What is it?"

"It is... to ensure conception."

That didn't really answer my question, but their hesitation convinced me I didn't want to know the details. I did as they said and added it my morning tea. The gold dust gave the tea a lovely shimmer. Hopefully, it wouldn't alter the taste. I topped off the half-drunk mug and stirred in a bit more sugar for good measure.

"Good. Be sure to remove my charm as well. I will see you again in a few hours." O'dos vanished before I could say another word. If I had known this was going to take so much time, I wouldn't have sent Caera out already. Now what was I to do with myself?

Might as well get in the mood, I guess.

I turned on some music as I sipped my tea. Then I went upstairs to pick some lingerie to change into and a couple toys to enjoy. After seeing the genasi form O'dos took, I was swayed towards wearing red. I picked out a pair of cage-back panties and a matching bralette. For as much as I loved lingerie, I didn't wear it enough. There weren't many occasions to.

Going through my toy trunk, I decided to continue the red theme. I picked out a butt plug with a red, heart gem. I wanted to use my thrusting rabbit, but then I couldn't wear my cute panties. Instead, I went with a little, wireless vibrator I could attach to my panties—I hadn't used it yet, but the good reviews made me hopeful.

I slipped the plug in then got dressed up. There was some trial and error with getting the vibrator to sit in the right position, but I finally got it. I left it on a low pulse and went back downstairs to dance. If Caera had still been home—if there was anyone around, really—I'd have given her the remote to control the vibe setting as she pleased.

The music helped the time pass. The edging, not so much. But I didn't want to ruin the moment later by being satisfied already. I was a needy, dripping mess by the time O'dos showed back up.

"I see the tea has kicked in," they mused smugly. They held out their hand; without prompting, I took it. I blinked and we were no longer in my house. Around me spread a lavish bedroom, plentiful in pillows, and a large bed with a chiffon canopy. Was this their bedroom?—did gods sleep? The questions left my mind before they could fully form. There were more important things commanding my focus.

Like O'dos sharply tugging me forward against their chest. Their hand gliding over my hip and up my back. The brush of their breath over my neck as they leaned in close. "How would you like to do this?"

I was too horny to think. "You've watched over me for a long time now. You know what I enjoy. Surprise me."

They did not disappoint.

O'dos spun me around and bent me over the bed, pinning me down with a firm grip on my neck. My thighs clenched together. I didn't want more foreplay, I wanted to get fucked! With my luck, they'd tease me more if I voiced that—but would O'dos be that wicked? Their nails grazing down my back said yes.

I squirmed and whimpered, "Fuck me," into the sheets.

There was a moment of hesitation before their hands moved to my hips again. Then O'dos slid down my panties. I stepped out of them and kicked the fabric off to the side. They were teasing against my lips before I could even adjust myself for them. I tried to push back against them, but they held me still with a firm grip on my hip. They were in full control. All I could do is whine and try to wriggle, like the needy whore I was right now.

"Fuck me," I begged again. I can't recall ever needing to come this badly before—it must be that powder O'dos gave me this morning. Edging myself so much had been a bad idea too. Why hadn't O'dos started fucking me yet? Ugh! I needed stimulus. Fingering, oral, impact play—anything!

I had forgotten I had a butt plug in until they started toying with it. They pressed against the base a couple times and moved it around in small circles. It didn't do much pleasure wise, but I still appreciated it. Any little bit helped sate my raging desire. If only it were a vibrating plug—I never tried one before but it sounded fantastic right now.

When they finally slid inside me, a rather loud moan escaped me. My pussy was already so wet with yearning that I was able to take them all the way to the base. With my plug in, it felt tighter than normal too. Yes, this was how it should be. How delightful to be so stuffed. If only there was something for my mouth too.

Within a minute, O'dos coaxed my first orgasm out of me. By the second orgasm, my mind and body were jelly. And I still craved more. Once the influence of the special powder wore off, I'd surely be so sore I wouldn't want sex for weeks. But for now, I could only think of being pounded further and further into the bed until I was an overstimulated, mind-broken, cum-drenched mess.

I skirted in and out of sleep. I was still bent over the edge of the bed, having neither the strength nor desire to try to move myself. O'dos sat beside me and casually ran their fingers along my back. I could stay like this for ages.

"Time to get up, dear witchling," they murmured.

With their assistance, I got to my feet. When they placed their hand on my belly, the world started falling back into place. I put my hand on top of theirs. "Guess it's time to get used to being pregnant now."



"Your body cannot handle carrying nor birthing a demi-god." They pulled their hand away; a small orb of energy came out of me as they did. The orb then floated over and seeped into their body. "I shall handle the rest."

"Oh..." I had no words. I really thought I'd have to go through the whole shebang. "So when will I have to... well, parent?"

"You will not. More precisely—you will not in the way you are thinking." They cupped my face in their hands and gave me a gentle look. "You will come to find having a demi-god progeny far different than a mortal."

You'd think that all of this would've been important to tell me when we made this deal. I wouldn't have stressed out like I had if I'd known this was how it would go. Suppressing a sigh, I turned to sarcasm. "Do I even get to name them?"

"You already have."

"Of course. How could I forget?" This was the most exasperating hookup I've had.

They chuckled and gave me a chaste kiss."Patience, my witchling. In the right time."

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