Sleep Paralysis Demon - Part 3

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Contains: swearing, suggestive dialogue/themes
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I did not sleep easy the rest of the night.

Startled awake by a vivid communion with my Patron, I left Lori's place early, before he even woke up. Nothing like this had happened before. I found myself in the usual scene where my Patron gave me the payment options for my magic—but this time the sky was red with roiling clouds; the landscape was drought-cracked and desolate; and their nest was a mass of thorns, stained with crushed eggs.

I needed to have a deeper conversation with my livid Patron over what was going on.

Unfortunately, Honey Cup wasn't open yet, so I was on the lookout for another café. I needed some food before I tried sorting things out. That was when I ran into Aero. He immediately recognized something was wrong, and insisted on joining me for breakfast.

"So what's up?" he asked me after the waiter took our order.

"I don't fully know." I sighed and absently stirred the whipped cream into my hot cocoa. "I woke up from a very angry message from my Patron. And by message, it was all interpretative symbolism, so I don't really know yet what the fuck is up."

"Damn. That's stressful. Has anything like this happened before?"


"Well, I don't know what I can do, but I'm here for you."

"Thanks." I sipped my drink then tapped my nails on the mug. "So what are you doing up this early anyway?"

"Oh, I'm on my way home from a one-night stand."

I raised a brow at him, shook my head, then took a long sip of my cocoa. Aero narrowed his eyes at me. He knew I wasn't slut shaming him, but he couldn't parse what I was judging him for. I smirked. "Willow's gonna be mad that you didn't bring me over for breakfast."

Aero paled and his face went slack. "Fuck..."

Unfortunately for him, it was too late to cancel our meal order. But for me, little unconnected details from the morning knitted together, especially after a few flash visions. A careless lack in forethought left me in a tricky predicament. It was no secret that Lori had been hoping I'd ask for a sexual payment from the beginning. And I had no intention on acquiescing. He also wasn't telling the full truth about the sleep demon. While I still didn't know the details on that, there was enough fuckery going on to piss off my Patron.

But I was beginning to form a plan.

I went to Lori's that night with two plans in mind. The first was, of course, upholding my end of our deal. The second was laying the trap for his deceptions—which started with some coy comments and questions.

"So, last night. During the paralysis," I started, demurely trailing pauses. "After the demon finished communicating with me, it... Well. I caught some glimpses."

Lori cleared his throat, his ears flattening back as he broke eye contact. "Oh. That... well I guess we know what the demon wants from me," he tried laughing it off. He was quick to realize that that statement answered the question he hired me to get answers for, so he added, "Well, one thing at least. It might want something else from me too. Also still need to know why it wants what it does."

In a different situation, I'd be charmed by his flustered state. In a different situation, I might be inclined to toy with him in ways he'd enjoy. Shame. "Can't really blame it, with the dreams you have," I teased.

This was the longest stretch of time he'd gone without looking at me.

"Not judging," I said. "I do have the payment options I do for a reason."

That got a glance out of him. "Oh—did you want to talk about my payment now?"

I shrugged. "We can, if you want."

"Alright." He adjusted in his corner of the couch. "Um. Remind me again of my options."

I listed off the options I'd given before, a couple suitable ones I hadn't previously offered, and lastly the poisoned apple: sex. And oh did he take the bait. He asked if we should talk about it more right now, but I said no; best he didn't get too excited and not be able to sleep—besides, the details wouldn't matter come payment time.

When the paralysis demon showed up, I was thankful to have the pearl of darkness already under my tongue, or else I likely would've cursed from the shock of it apparating in front of me in all its detailed glory. Was this how Lori saw it? I was yet again glad I didn't have to deal with dream stuff on a nightly basis.

Arcane One, it said in exactly the kind of voice you'd expect a sleep paralysis demon to have. What are your intentions towards my dominion of this rabbit?

It expected me to talk with this acorn-sized pearl in my mouth? Hopefully there'd be some telepathic element to this, otherwise this was going to be just as challenging as every other attempt to communicate had been so far. "Lori asked me to help figure out why you're here." My voice felt like a phantom of myself. I could feel my mouth forming the words, but my mouth didn't seem to move. The only way I could think to explain it was a shadow form of myself was actually talking, unaffected by pearl.

His initial confusion was not unexpected after my absence, it mused. It looked over at Lori—wait, Lori was still sleeping? Fuck, I really didn't understand anything about this entity. Last night, he seemed to have recognition. Does he?

Recognition? So it has visited Lori long enough for him to know it. And if last night was so telling... Lori was a kinky little bitch and was hooking up with his paralysis demon often. So what exactly changed with Lori that infuriated my Patron?

"Lori hasn't said anything to me about recognizing you."

It made a noise between a hum and a grumble. I saw double for a second at it moved, suddenly appearing on the ceiling. It looked down at Lori like how I'd look up at the stars.

It seems we both have questions, but not answers, for one another. Its eyes shifted to me. He might hold them. But communication will be limited and short lived once he's awoken.

"My Patron is pissed at him. Can you think of any reason why?"

It did that weird, double vision, light trail movement again, returning to my side. Angry?

"Yeah. If feels like Lori is lying about something. Or perhaps is trying to change our deal. My patron has been less than forthcoming about this situation. Which is frustrating. I wish they'd just tell me what's going on."

A shiver jolted up my spine. A new presence loomed behind me.

"Witchling," my Patron greeted.

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