Elf - Part 3

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"Dish, Witch." Despite the café being packed with hungover patrons, Honey took the time to sit down across from me and hold my potpie hostage until I answered her. "How was your feis?"

"It was lovely. Now give me my food."

She slid the plate over to me, a subtle scowl tugging at her features. "What did you two get up to?"

I savored a large bite, ignoring her until the cloying hunger ripping through my belly started to subside. "We kissed."


"Kissed more."

She hopped to her feet, slamming her hands on the table. "That's it? You kissed? You only kissed? Ugh! You two are so frustratingly, disappointingly vapid!" She marched back to the counter and returned to her work. Her yelling made many people stare my way. I glared at them in turn until they looked away. Nosy gossips.

A half hour later, after I finished my food and handling some work on my tablet, I was standing to leave when Honey ambushed me again. She placed three bags on the table and beamed a deadly, manipulative smile at me. "Heading out, dear Witch?"

"Yes," I answered simply. What did she want?

"Could you deliver this for me? The café is so busy I'm not able to make this delivery. You'll be compensated of course."

There were red flags all over the place, but I could at least hear her out. Maybe the payment would be worth whatever trouble this actually was. "What's the offer?"

"Five pounds of chocolate covered blackberries."

"Deal." Curse her for getting me hooked on those. They were too good to pass up. She gave me the address and I was off.

I arrived at a lovely apartment building ten minutes away. Lovely if you liked the neutral tone, nouveau riche look. I buzzed the apartment.

"Who are you?" They weren't explicitly rude, but their tone still hinted at arrogance—or maybe that was my bias.

"I have a delivery from Honey Cup Café."

There was a long pause. Then the door buzzed as it unlocked. Oh, no problem. I don't mind bringing it up to you, I silently sneered at them. Could they really not be bothered to come down themselves or just say something?

At least they were prompt in answering their door. However I was not expecting to be greeted by Aero in only a skirt—actually a plain sheet tied around his waist.

"Two gifts in one. How blessed am I?"

"You're not who I talked to," I accused. So he was why Honey had sent me on this errand. I should have guessed.

"No, that was my roommate and boyfriend. Come in, you should meet." He didn't give me the option to refuse as he pulled me inside.

Their apartment was open and airy, filled with a number of large, potted plants and even more candles. Incense hung heavy in the air. Aero dragged me to the kitchen then took the bags of food from me. He had half of it pulled out and on the breakfast bar when the boyfriend in question walked in.

"So you're the witch I keep hearing about," he smiled then bowed. He was similar to Aero in height and build, with the pointed ears of a fae race. His hair was pulled into a messy bun with a few errant blue curls in his face. His vitiligo perfectly highlighted the V of muscles dipping below his skirt—a proper skirt, unlike Aero's. "Call me Willow."

"Nice to meet you. Call me Witch." I shot a pointed look at Aero.

With a roll of his eyes he said, "Yes, yes—sorry for not telling you sooner. Though as kissing-friends I didn't realize it'd be such an issue. Unless you decided you want more now?" His coy smirk didn't have the energy I'd come to expect. Then I noted how dark his eyes were. Did the hangover really hit him that hard? I guess I did have the unfair advantage of having made a rehydration and healing potion to drink before bed so I wouldn't be a hot mess. All things considered, I let this laps in information go.

"Not today."

He shrugged, having expected my answer. Aero pulled out my berries but I quickly snatched them up. He looked at me, offended. "Not going to share?"

"Hey, these were my payment for delivering to you guys. A delivery, I might add, I haven't gotten a tip for."

Now his smile was closer to his usual self. He stepped closer, sliding his hands up my hips then pulling me against him. "You want a tip?" His head dipped low, an inch away from a kiss. Part of my heart fluttered. Another part remembered that Willow was standing two feet away.

"Don't mind me, love," he dismissed, noticing my hesitation. He was more concerned with the food. "He's done far more in front of me."

Aero drew back. "Are you not comfortable with polyamory?"

"That's not it," I shook my head. "I'm fine with that. No—it's more so that we just met, and I was completely unprepared for..." I gestured vaguely to all of us. "This."

"At least we met like this and not when you had a minotaur balls deep in your ass."

"What?" Where the hell had this conversation diverted to?

"You're really gonna start with that story?" Aero groaned.

"What better one to start with?" His boyfriend beamed wickedly. "Anyways, long story short, we met at an orgy. With a minotaur balls deep in his ass."

"There are... so many questions I have now." And one hell of a mental image. "Should we be drunk again for this?"

"Gods no!" Aero protested. "I am nowhere near recovered and ready for another bender."

Willow hummed and walked up behind him and kissed his neck. "That's why Daddy is here to nurse you better," he said as his lips trailed up towards Aero's ear. The air elf had closed his eyes and melted into the other male's touch. Willow looked at me. "Drink?"

There was no stopping the shit-eating grin on my face. I was learning so much about Aero today. "Sure. Juice or water, I'm not picky."

We moved our chat to the living room and sat on the floor around a low table, the surface of which soon filled with food and drinks. Aero had no shame in dishing out more stories. They frequented a variety of BDSM events and some swinger parties. Aero was a complete submissive and enjoyed a number play types that I hadn't even heard of. Willow was a caregiver, though never participated in any of the sexual scenes. His pleasure was in making sure everyone else was enjoying their time. They had many stories to offer, opening up an unknown world to me. And they invited me into it.

"Okay, while I am open minded, I am not sure an orgy is for me," I conceded. Aero tried to steal a berry—he had managed five so far—but I slapped his hand away.

"Clearly 'cause you're terrible at sharing," he dared.

"Pssh, no I'm not. You're just a greedy berry thief trying to steal my hard earned pay."

"Wait, no!" he said and snapped his fingers. "It's because you just don't like others seeing you naked."

I picked up the nearest pillow and started beating him with it. "I thought. We got past. Bringing. That up!" I said in time with my hits.

"Back on topic," Willow chimed in with a chuckle, not caring about the buffeting his boyfriend was receiving. "I wouldn't start you at an orgy. Start with a private exhibition. Very controlled and small."

"Mmmh... still not sure—aah!" Aero managed to snag the pillow from my grip. I lost my balance and fell into his lap.

"Would you prefer to watch me on the block first?" he offered. He leaned over and I met him the rest of way for a quick kiss. "Have some fun with me and get used to the audience?" He kissed me again.

"I thought we agreed on just kissing."

This time the kiss lingered as his tongue danced its way into my mouth. He left me near breathless. "Scenes are different. What happens there, stays there. And you still don't have to do anything you don't want."

I couldn't tell if the sparkle dancing in his eyes was him imagining me in the center of a scene, or himself with me topping.

"I'll give it some more thought."

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