Elf - Part 1

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For about a week, I had put off opening the mysterious box my elf courier randomly gave me. Apparently it was a present from him, though he had failed to mention that at the time. When I confessed to neglecting the box, he was understandably piqued. I didn't mean to insult him; I seriously had no idea it was important for me to open ASAP.

Caera, wafted around me as I sat down, blade in hand, ready to open the gift. She had bothered me a time or two about it. Now I felt her excitement in the air as I cut the twine and opened the box.

First, I found a note. "A welcoming gift. I hope it's to your taste. Perhaps I'll see you at the Brumalis feis in this? Or not in this, whichever you prefer, Little Witch," I read aloud. I groaned and tossed the letter aside. He was never going to let me live down how we first met—I was naked and he got a good long view.

I pulled a dress out of the box. Made of black chiffon, it was a simple, sleeveless, shift dress sewn in panels to give the subtle illusion of a spider web. Okay it was actually really cute and seemed like it would fit. It was too sheer on its own, but I had plenty of options to wear under it. Feeling giddy, I decided to play dress-up.

This was going to be the first feis I took part in since moving to Arvos. I missed the Autumnal feis because I was so busy settling in and dealing with Caera's mischief at the time. I still paid my respects, but there was no celebrating beyond enjoying a large piece of fudge and a bottle of delicious mead. For Brumalis, I was thinking of going no holds barred.

Brumalis celebrated the end of the harvests and marked the changing of the seasons to winter. Since it began the season of death, it was also the time when we paid respect to those departed. Grand festivals went from sunset the day before, to sunrise the day after. Both autumn and winter colors were popular. Blending the color schemes was equally as common as costume changes. However, multiple outfits would not be wise this year. I planned on getting wasted. I doubted future-me would have the coordination to successfully change clothes without any troubles. And I really did not want to risk ruining my new dress—even if it was from a bothersome elf.

The next day, I stopped in at Honey Cup to grab a latte on my way to the archive. I had research to do and needed all the caffeine I could get. Plus, I was hoping that I'd be able to run into the air elf again so I wouldn't need to track him down on my own.

"Sweet morning, Witch. You're in here earlier than usual," greeted Honey.

That was another reason I needed caffeine: I was up way too early for the schedule I kept. Sleep eluded me half the night. I was even able to watch the sunrise for once today—it would have been lovely if it weren't for my unexpected guest. "I feel dead inside."

"Spiced tea latte?"

"Yes. In the largest size you can make." I leaned on the counter and stared at the menu. I never took the time before to look at all the food options they had. Most were fruit or vegetable based pastries, along with a couple hearty soups for the season. The café was still slow at this hour so I wasn't worried with holding up the line as I tried to pick something. "I'm torn between a berry tart and a veggie pot pie. Both sound amazing right now."

"How about the pot pie for now and take the tart to go?"

"See this is why I love you. You let me indulge in all my cravings. It's also why I hate you—for enabling my poor habits."

"What kind of fae would I be if I didn't tempt my patrons?" She smiled mischievously as she handed me my tea. The warmth of the mug seeping into my hands was bliss. I curled up in the corner of a couch and sipped, savoring the flow of this magical life-giving beverage at this unholy hour. Within a couple minutes she delivered my food to me too.

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