Vampire - Part 3

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I was surprised to find Aleril outside my door, delivering my breakfast. "Is this where you tell me you're actually a servant working here?" I teased.

"Would you like me to service you?" His smile was wicked and as suggestive as his words. He tried entering my room and was shocked to see himself repelled. "Already warding me out?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a slip of paper with the negate sigil from my bag. "Here," I handed it to him. "Put a drop of your blood on the X in the middle. Then you can enter as you'd like."

"My my, such a clever one you are." He pricked his pinky on one of his fangs and pressed it to the paper. The sigil lit up then faded away completely.

Aleril brought my breakfast inside. "So, are you ready for today?"

I pushed the couch further back from the coffee table, plopped myself on floor, and started digging into my food. "I'm not sure," I said between bites. "I flip between yes and no like, every five minutes."

"Today will be the least demanding day for you, so don't stress too much."

"What? No kinky S-and-M or sex today?" He raised a brow at me. "The NDA stated some of it. Besides, you said this was a high protocol thing; I know a decent amount about kink."

"Perhaps you'll do better here than I thought."

"Wow," I drew out and placed my palm to my chest. "Giving me so little credit. I was invited to the Blood and Ice Gala, I'll have you know; do you know what a status symbol that is?"

He laughed. The flash of his fangs made my lick my lip a little. I pushed thoughts of him biting me from my mind and focused on my breakfast. Surely there'd be time for that later.

Like Aleril said, the day was simple. First I had to suffer the commencement ceremony. It was clear only the oldest of the vampires weren't tired of the pomp and circumstance. At its conclusion, they rang an old bell; a wave of magic washed the room—a binding spell that coupled the NDA. I shivered. Their magic felt like thistles on my skin.

I was the only witch in attendance. The only guests I saw who weren't vampires were mundane humans and mostly-human mixed races—expected, since vampires couldn't drink the blood of anyone considered magical. And there were a lot. I could already tell how quickly I could get overwhelmed, so as soon as I was free, I got to work.

I prepped potions and salves and more while others lounged and socialized and dined. I worked through lunch but received a rather unbreakable command to attend dinner. When I found my seat next to Aleril, I grew suspicious of the command's origin.

"Ah, the reclusive Witch has appeared."

I threw a polite smile to him and the others at the table, two vampires and a human, as I sat down. He introduced everyone but my mind was still overfilled with work to remember names. The disinterest was mutual and polite.

"So what trouble have you gotten up to?" I asked him.

"I've been behaving today, thank you."

"Oh?" I doubted that.

"I have," he defended. He side-eyed me as he took a sip of his bloodwine. "What about you?"

A slow smile curled my lips. I waved my hand as I shrugged, an innocent enough gesture. What he didn't realize though was I was summoning a mage hand under the table. "Just doing what I do best," I answered as the mage hand stroked up his leg.

Hunger flared in his eyes. "I see."

The dinner bell chimed and everyone stopped chatting and floating about and took their seats. I let my cantrip dissolve; I didn't want to overstep by using my magic during the meal. Plus, I was too ravenous to keep up my concentration.

When the servants came out to serves drinks, I was caught off guard by their... uniforms. All of them were in leather thongs, a chest harness of varying styles, cuffs on their wrists and ankles, and a wide leather collar. Each collar was adorned with different colored pins. It was a coding system to signify what types of interactions were allowed with each of them. I hadn't been given the key to the coding system, not that I needed it. I had no intention to interact with them beyond offering my magical services.

Once all drinks were served, Lord Corvin gave a toast. He of course didn't drink from a glass like the rest of us. No, Corvin drank his blood straight from the throat of a young man, naked save for the blindfold over his eyes. I felt he was trying too hard to uphold aesthetics. How theatric would the rest of this gala be?

As the appetizers were served I felt a brush against my leg. I looked at Aleril and his gaze still held that hunger. An unspoken question passed between us. One I answered by adjusting my leg closer to him.

He lazily stroked his fingers along my thigh. He stayed on top of my dress, avoiding the bit of skin peeking between my dress hem and stockings. That was until the next course. After the appetizers were cleared away, and the salad plates were placed, he pushed up my dress and ran his hand up and down my thigh.

I was quickly starting to hunger for something other than food.

The next course was the first main dish—because Corvin was too pretentious to have just one main dish during this multi-course meal. As it was served, I glanced around the room. No one seemed to notice Aleril and me fooling around; in fact a number of the vampires were already doing far more to the humans next to them.

I was pulled back from my drifting thoughts as Aleril's touch advanced higher. His hand slid between my thighs and parted my legs further. I wasn't wearing panties. He teased along my folds in the same casual manner he caressed my thigh. It was highly distracting. Especially when he focused on my clit. With the ease in which he ate and made small talk with the others, you wouldn't think he was occupied by anything else. I, however, got so lost in his touch I only noticed the next course was served when he did something new.

As his fingers slid inside me I let out a notable moan. I pressed my hand over my mouth, doing my best to be subtle and failing. One of tablemates glanced at me and smirked; the other two were too busy to care.

"Is the food not to your liking?" Aleril asked arrogantly. "You've hardly touched it."

It was impossible to glare at him while he stroked my g-spot so well. "The food... is fine," I whimpered.

"Good. I'm glad you're enjoying it." He smiled, flashing his fangs at me. Wickedness danced in his eyes as he rocked a shudder out of me. "I'm sure you'll love the dessert just as well."

"Is this how you treat all—" I gasped as he slid another finger inside. "—treat the women you meet at these galas?"

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Only the ones as fantastical as you."

Such a silver tongue. And skilled hands. He didn't let up as I tried to eat my meal. I wasn't sure I'd make it to the next course—the final one—before he made me cum.

When the servants started to clear the plates I locked eyes with Aleril. His lascivious expression made me squirm. I waited expectantly to see what he did next.

The main course was cleared.

Dessert was served.

He removed his fingers from inside me and licked them clean. Then he properly cleaned them in the finger bowl and dried them with his napkin.

Instead of continuing to play with me, he just started eating dessert.

"That's it?"

He looked at me knowingly and finished his bite of cheesecake. "Do you really want me to continue right now? Here?"

Fair. I wasn't big on exhibitionism, but goddamn he had edged me so close! From the glint in his eyes I could tell he was enjoying my frustration. I pouted and ate my cheesecake.

He leaned in close again, brushing my hair aside and letting his fingers trail down my neck. "Shall we continue after dinner?"

I debated the matter. I wanted it, wanted him. But now a part of me wanted to deny him and make him wait. My vindictive side won. "No," I told him and flashed my own smug smirk in his face. "Now you have to wait."

His dark chuckle tempted me to change my resolve. "Very well."

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