Multi-Monster Special

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Thank you for reading this story to the end—especially those of you who have been here since early on. Since this is the last arc for this series, I decided not to go by my usual chapter length constraints, so enjoy this extra-long chapter. This series has been such a mixed bag to write; overall, I'm happy where it has ended up. At this time, I do not plan on writing any more stories for these characters.

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Contains: swearing, sexual scenes, alcohol

Notes: To be clear, a slate is equivalent to a smartphone. I haven't talked too much of the tech-side of this world, so I wanna make sure there isn't confusion about what exactly I'm talking about when it comes up in this chapter, since it's an important detail. Also, selachii = shark anthromorph & cetacean = whale/dolphin anthromorph; I literally just them made up based on the scientific classifications. Inkdine = an undine of the cephalopod (aka inkfish) variety (also made up by me because I just didn't feel like using "octomaid" or anything similar); come in a variety of anatomy layouts, so imagine whatever tentacled hottie you want.

Alt pronouns used: xe/xem/xir/xirs/xemself [in comparison to: they/them/their/theirs/themself]

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The ocean. I couldn't believe I was going to see the ocean. So much of my life had felt like a dream since meeting Witch, and especially since moving in with her. I felt spoiled to go on this trip with them. To be treated to a beach-appropriate wardrobe by Witch's friend, Willow.

More than a handful of times I thought to change my mind about going. It all felt too much. But that would ruin it for them, wouldn't it? And that felt worse. Every time I felt like staying home, curled up on the couch, I'd scold myself that I moved in with Witch for a reason. I didn't come here to stay in my usual patterns. I came here for newness. To grow. To see the world and change. As a mothfolk, one would think I'd be accustomed with change. Yet no. All of my decades of adulthood were spent in a fairly consistent cycle.

I was determined to put myself out there.

And so the three of us went to Flordora to meet up with another of Witch's friends, a naga named Quendi. Xe met us at the train station. Negoni wasn't far from Flordora, but it'd be easier to travel via train, what with everyone's luggage and Quendi's mobility aid.

As we made our way over to the second train, Quendi jumped right into a conversation that I couldn't believe xe was having so openly in public. "So you gonna hook up with Kashga again while you're here?" xe directed at Witch.

She shot an abashed look at xem.

"What?! She never told us about this," Caera interjected before Witch could respond. "Who's Kashga?"

"My cousin."

"How the fuck..." Witch trailed off. Her comment drowning out Caera's whispered aside that she really got a thing for cousins.

"One: bitch I know you. And two: the itch isn't the only thing that runs in the family." Xe flashed a dubious look, then cackled as realization twisted Witch's expression into a furious glare.

"Fucker. You've had an amber sensitivity all this time?! Why did you never say anything?"

Xe shrugged. "Well when you first made it for me, I didn't know you that well and it was a bit embarrassing to bring up. But then I kinda turned it in my favor and got into sex work, so... yeah."

"So glad I could be your catalyst," she said flatly.

"Anyways—if I heard her correctly," xe pointed at Caera, "who's this other cousin you fucked?"

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