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My limbs stung like hell as heat returned to them. Sitting up was a struggle, but I needed to move, needed to get my circulation up. I didn't recognize where I was. It was a cozy log cabin a bit smaller than my own home. I didn't remember how I got here.

After escaping the castle of some murderous vampires, I hopped on my broom and started my way home. I avoided the train, knowing they'd look for me there. Flying would take longer, but I was banking on the vampires checking my home and moving on by the time I got there. I also banked on Vérus not putting up with any lookout they might try leaving.

My broom was only able to carry me a few hours away before it needed to recharge. By then I was well into the woods. I took my cloak from my haversack to keep warm. While I didn't need to worry about its warmth spell running out, it wasn't a true solution against the cold. I quickly realized my folly in my rushed decision to stay off the beaten paths. There were plenty of dead branches around for a fire. But without some sort of shelter, this situation would quickly become as deadly as the one I just escaped from.

Someone had to have rescued me. But who? And how far off my path had they taken me?

"Hello?" I tentatively called out. The only things I heard were the crackling fire and the wind hissing outside.

Walking sent needles up through my legs. I wobbled my way through the house, checking the rooms, finding no one. The smell of fresh bread led me to the kitchen. There was a small loaf sitting on the table, cooling on a cloth, and the sight of it made my stomach grumble.

"Help yourself."

I screamed and whipped around. I tripped over my feet and my hip met the edge of the table. Ignoring the pain burning in my side, I met the concerned eyes of a moth. If I had met them outside, I would have easily mistaken them for a snow sculpture if they stood still. Even their robes were icy white.

"Careful." They tentatively held out a hand towards me, ready to assist. "Take it slow. You're safe here. My name is Theophania."

"Hello." I bowed my head; it was a bit late for greetings but better than never. "You can call me Witch."

"What were you doing in the woods?"

"Running from death."

"Well you nearly meet it anyways." She went to the fireplace and removed the lid from the cauldron hanging over the fire. The rich scent of stew wafted around me. "Soup is nearly done. Please, relax. You can eat in here or out on the couch. You can even eat while in the bath, if you so choose." She laughed lightly to herself as she stirred the stew.

"I'm sorry, but where exactly am I?"

Theophania set down the spoon and replaced the lid on the cauldron. She turned and looked at me, her eyes haunting voids that revealed nothing. Her antenna, however, drooped back, giving me a sense of unease. "You're in der Schwarzwald. Or Feldberg Forest, as most outsiders call it."

I've heard tales of these woods. The forest was an entity of its own, one obstinately set against letting any society try to tame it. It wasn't a place to go wandering. Tales say, if you were lucky, you'd just wander for endless hours and end up roughly where you started. If you weren't lucky, the woods would become your grave. It was hard to say what stories were true and what ones were fanciful tales for entertainment.

As my situation sunk in, Theo slowly nodded. "Rest up. You'll be meeting the waldschrat soon."

Waldschrat—who or what was that?

Theo was a lovely host during the two long days before I met the waldschrat. She gave me space, cooked phenomenal meals, and it was beyond cozy to snuggle with her on the couch while drinking tea.

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