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Hello, welcome to my Warriors AU! First, for anyone who doesn't know, an AU is an alternate universe, meaning the story is changed from the canon material. My AU is centered around one small, simple change that has large effects on the plot. Before we begin, here are some things to expect from my story.

1. I will try to post at least one chapter a day until this story's completion. However, please understand that I may not be able to some days.

2. When it comes to warnings for blood and violence, expect me to go into the same amount of detail the canon books do.

3. Assume that in this AU, every event before Crookedstar's Promise is unchanged.

4. Speaking of which, I recommend you read Crookedstar's Promise before reading this book just for some context and understanding of the changes made.

That's all! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy!

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now