Chapter 14

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Oakpaw sat with Crookedpaw in the camp. The sun was still high in the sky. Willowpaw and Graypaw joined them as they waited outside the medicine den. Brambleberry shifted inside, reaching her paws into piles of leaves and berries.

"Here," Brambleberry offered as she left the den. She dropped some traveling herbs onto the ground. "Eat these."

Laying down, Oakpaw grabbed the herbs, dragging them towards himself and pushing a few leaves to the other apprentices. Lifting the herbs, he chewed them, struggling to swallow as the bitter taste filled his mouth. "Gross!" He coughed along with the other apprentices.

"They may be gross," Brambleberry commented, "but they're important if we want to make it to the Moonstone."

Brambleberry began to make her way to the camp entrance. Willowpaw and Crookedpaw followed, with Graypaw trailing behind them. As Oakpaw stepped forward to go with them, he heard pawsteps behind himself.

"Don't get into trouble," Rainflower muttered. Oakpaw didn't care to look over his shoulder, only continuing forward and catching up to Graypaw. He stopped beside the she-cat.

"Are you excited to see the Moonstone?" Oakpaw asked.

Graypaw exclaimed, "Of course!" Less enthusiastically, she added, "But I've heard that Mothermouth is scary. Brambleberry says you can't see anything in there!"

"It won't be scary," Oakpaw promised, stepping closer to Graypaw. "We'll be together." He hoped his words would be comforting, but the gray apprentice took a step away from him.

Now, the group was far away from the camp, approaching the river. They would follow the river for some time before swimming across to avoid the gorge. On their way to Mothermouth, they would be forced to cross ThunderClan and WindClan territory. However, the other Clans wouldn't stop a medicine cat from conversing with StarClan.

Soon, the terrain ahead began to rise, meaning the patrol would be approaching the gorge soon. Nearing the shore of the river, Oakpaw placed a paw in the water. It was cold and fast-moving, but the river was thin there. They would have time to get across before being swept away.

Brambleberry crossed first, barely having to swim before reaching the other side. Next was Crookedpaw, who made it just as quickly as the black and white she-cat. Willowpaw followed, and then Oakpaw. Graypaw was the only cat left on the other side of the river.

Hopping into the water, Graypaw easily swam through it. However, as she reached the center of the river, she began to float in place, struggling to move forward. The flow rushed and she began to sink.

Oakpaw thought quickly. "Graypaw!" He called, getting the she-cat's attention. Then, he quickly and loudly explained, "Use the current to swim to the shore! Let it take you for a moment!"

Panic flashed in Graypaw's eyes as she began to follow the torrent of the river. It brought her down the slope, away from the patrol. However, stopping her battle against the current provided her with more energy. Churning her paws, she slowly edged towards the shore. Oakpaw raced to the muddy bank, reaching out a paw to help her onto land.

"Are you okay?" Oakpaw asked, watching Graypaw as she shook the water off of her pelt.

"Yes, I'm fine," Graypaw answered. She lifted her gaze, smiling to show her gratitude. "Thank you."

Oakpaw remained silent for a moment. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Crookedpaw watching him. He tore his gaze away from Graypaw, rushing to the rest of the patrol.

Brambleberry trotted past Oakpaw, stopping as she reached Graypaw's side. She placed a paw on her fur, feeling it. "You don't seem too cold," the medicine cat stated, "and your breathing is just fine. You'll be alright until we return tomorrow morning."

Together, the group kept moving, making their way past Fourtrees and entering WindClan territory. By now, the sun was beginning to set. They had already wasted so much time near the river and strived to move quicker. As Oakpaw walked, he neared Brambleberry.

"Thank you for taking care of me so much," Oakpaw began.

"Of course," Brambleberry replied. "Every cat deserves to have someone who cares for them."

Oakpaw's thoughts flashed to Mapleshade. She cares enough to train me. That's more than Rainflower does. "You've been a better mother than-"

Oakpaw was cut off by yowls from a ridge nearby. He squinted his eyes against the setting sun, watching as three figures formed at the top of the hill. WindClan!

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