Chapter 16

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"Your plan better work, Oakpaw," Hailstar murmured as he passed Oakpaw. Shellheart walked nearby, the rest of the Clan following. Ever since a dog had been spotted inside RiverClan territory several days ago, it cut off much of the Clan's hunting grounds. In a final desperate attempt to prove himself to Rainflower, Oakpaw formed a plan to get rid of it. Now, he marched on, anxiety pricking at his paws. I hope I haven't led anyone to their deaths.

Is this what being the leader feels like? Oakpaw wondered, glancing at Hailstar. It must be stressful. But the apprentice was barely shaken by the thought. One day, when I'm leader, I'll be able to handle it.

Crookedpaw approached Oakpaw, staying by his brother's side. Together, they continued forward, stopping as they reached a large, old willow tree. It swayed, its long branches providing shelter from the howling Leaf-fall wind.

Oakpaw reached for the lowest branch of the willow tree, slowly digging his claws into the bark pulling himself up. He steadied himself before climbing higher, his paws shaking uneasily as he watched the ground grow further away. Now, the rest of the Clan followed him. The majority of the warriors were there with them, only a few missing. Graypaw, Willowpaw, and their mentors were at the beech copse training.

"I see the dog!" Shellheart alerted from the branch above Oakpaw. He glanced down at Crookedpaw, who stood beneath the tree. Being young and quick, the light tabby had volunteered to distract the dog and give the Clan a chance to ambush it.

Now, the dog lumbered closer, its paws dragging at the ground. It was large with shaggy brown fur. Its ears perked as Crookedpaw began pacing through the grass. It stalked closer, its lips pulling back into a snarl as it caught the apprentice's scent.

However, as Oakpaw braced himself for the ambush, the dog suddenly turned and faced the other way. It began to disappear into the tall grass, leaving the RiverClan warriors behind. Where is it going?

Oakpaw felt a shiver down his spine as he realized what the dog had spotted. It sees Graypaw and Willowpaw! Suddenly, the dog charged away, sprinting down the hill towards the beech copse where the two she-cats trained. He felt as though his heart had leaped out of his chest. Graypaw! His limbs tried to freeze, but he resisted, bounding out of the tree and using his tail to signal to Crookedpaw as he passed.

Glancing over his shoulder, Oakpaw was relieved to see that Crookedpaw had followed him. However, the relief quickly drained away as he remembered the dire situation. He dashed as swiftly as he could, his paws aching. His lungs screamed as he attempted to speak to his brother. "Crookedpaw!" He barely huffed, panting and struggling to breath as he barreled across RiverClan territory.

His eyes watering, Oakpaw shouted, "Run ahead and warn them!" Crookedpaw didn't need to be told twice. He charged ahead, passing Oakpaw and vanishing over the next ridge. Luckily, the dog didn't notice either of the apprentices. Its eyes were locked on the gray cats that trained at the beech copse.

I have to stop it! An image of Graypaw flashed in Oakpaw's mind. Using all of the energy he could muster, he shot off of the ground, launching himself at the dog. He remembered Mapleshade's training, landing on its back and digging his claws in as deep as he could. The dog lurched to a stop, flinging Oakpaw forward. He landed on the grass, closing his eyes as he slammed into the dirty ground.

Oakpaw was barely able to open his eyes and stand to his paws. The impact had stunned him, and worry flooded over him as he realized the dog had escaped from him. As he glanced forward, all he could see through the blood that covered his gaze were three blurs and some trees. He quickly pieced the information together. Crookedpaw got to them in time! We saved them!

The reddish tom's eyes widened as he saw the dog snarling, standing over the blur that he recognized as Graypaw. "Graypaw!" He yowled, his throat burning as he coughed dirt out of his mouth. He raced through the grass, straining to move his legs. Fortunately, his warning had reached her, and she ducked away from the canine's sharp teeth.

Oakpaw slammed into the dog as he reached it, shoving it over and leaping onto its back once again. He clawed his way onto its neck as it lurched back and forth, attempting to throw him off. "Go for its face!" Oakpaw commanded as he scratched at its ears.

Graypaw leaped, soaring towards the dog and clawing its muzzle. With a swing of her claws, she tore at its eyes. A sharp cry pierced the air, and Oakpaw realized it had come from the dog. He slid off of its back as it sprinted away, whining as it grew further from the group.

Feeling as though he would collapse, Oakpaw began to let himself fall to the ground. However, instead of feeling grass, he felt a soft pelt against his side. He glanced at Graypaw, who had caught him before he dropped down. "Are you okay?" She asked, grooming his tattered pelt.

"I'm fine," Oakpaw assured her, allowing himself to lean against her. He was glad to see that she and Willowpaw had not been injured. Crookedpaw had some cuts on his paws from stumbling through the grass, but otherwise, he was alright.

Where is the rest of the Clan? Oakpaw didn't get the chance to ask. Hailstar appeared out of the corner of his eye, getting closer and tilting his head at the young cat. "Is he alright?" The leader asked, concerned.

"Yes," Graypaw nodded, "but he needs to see a medicine cat." Oakpaw barely could focus. The warm sensation of Graypaw's pelt beside his overtook him, and he allowed himself to relax. Graypaw brought him back into reality. "Did you hear that, Oakpaw? You'll be okay."

Oakpaw could only muster a nod as Graypaw smiled warmly at him. Hailstar stepped onto a nearby stone, surrounded by the tall trees of the beech copse. He raised his voice, being heard by all of Oakpaw's Clanmates as they piled around him. "Oakpaw, Crookedpaw, you both deserve to be warriors!"

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