Chapter 25

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"I just can't believe she's gone," Crookedjaw's voice cracked. Willowbreeze pressed closer to him and Shellheart gazed at him with kind eyes. The tabby tom trembled, continuing, "I know she wasn't the best mother, but she didn't deserve to die for it."

Crookedjaw heard shifting from the camp. He blinked his eyes open, examining the reeds that surrounded him and the two warriors with him. However, he couldn't see through the tall plants. He stared down at the ground.

Suddenly frustrated, Crookedjaw continued, "It's all Oakheart's fault." He gazed away, pausing. He added, "It would be so easy to just say that, but I know the situation is much more complicated. I can't blame my brother for Rainflower's death. She was awful to him, and he was only trying to hunt for the Clan."

Shellheart nodded. "Of course. I'm glad that you can see reason through your grief."

Shaking his head, Crookedjaw glanced at Willowbreeze. Quietly, he asked, "What was it like for you to lose Graypool?"

"That was moons ago," Willowbreeze answered, "but I remember feeling helpless. All I could do was watch." She squeezed her eyes shut and lowered her head.

Standing to his paws, Shellheart suggested, "You two should go hunting. You can bring back prey before the dawn patrol leaves."

Willowbreeze nodded. "Don't you think that's a good idea?"

"Yes," Crookedjaw agreed quickly. He watched Shellheart as he disappeared into the reeds. Then, turning to Willowbreeze, he gestured towards the reeds behind her. "Let's go that way, away from camp."

Together, Willowbreeze and Crookedjaw trotted through the dead reeds, trampling them as they went. The sun was bright, the light reflecting off of the snow that coated the ground. Light, puffy clouds painted the blue sky. A chilly leaf-bare breeze blew past, bringing brown leaves from ThunderClan territory with it.

As a leaf blew past Crookedjaw's face, he got an idea. "We should go to Sunningrocks," he decided.

"Of course!" Willowbreeze grinned. "There might be prey there. With the river frozen over, we need more than ever."

The path to the river was brightened as light bounced off of the icy snow. Dead branches laid on the ground, and fragments of reeds dotted the area. Pawprints created a trail for the two warriors to follow. Their paws were covered in white, fluffy snow. Their tails dragged through it, leaving snake-like trails behind them.

Crookedjaw stopped as he weaved through the dead bushes near the river. He caught the scent of two cats. Oakheart. He couldn't identify the second one, but it reminded him of ThunderClan. The scent drifted over the warm stones of Sunningrocks.

What was he doing here? Crookedjaw's mind wandered. The scent was stale, likely a few days old. He was probably chasing away one of those mangy ThunderClan warriors, he reasoned.

As the cold breeze chilled Crookedjaw's fur, he suggested, "We should warm up on the rocks before we hunt."

Willowbreeze agreed. She took the first steps onto the ice, crossing the slippery surface until she reached the opposite shore. Crookedjaw followed, sliding to the she-cat's side. He led the way to the first boulder, hopping onto it and laying down. He sprawled out his limbs, soaking the sunlight into his pelt. The surrounding stones and the trees of ThunderClan territory protected him from the frigid wind.

Once again, the scent of Oakheart passed over Crookedjaw's nose. It was much stronger near the stones, mingling with the ThunderClan scent. However, the stench of old blood was missing from the air. I guess the conflict was resolved peacefully.

Crookedjaw tilted his head. Would Oakheart let a ThunderClan warrior get away without a scratch? He stretched his paws, smiling at the slight warmth the sun provided. I should just relax.

The tabby tom rolled onto his side. Willowbreeze was lying peacefully beside him, her eyes closed. The sun sparkled on her pelt. Yes, he took a content breath. I should just relax.

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