Chapter 19

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Shellheart and Crookedjaw dashed to Graypaw's side while Rippleclaw kept an eye on the adder as it slithered away. Crookedjaw asked, "What do we do?"

"There's still time for her!" Oakheart shouted as he leaped down from the boulder. He lifted her, hauling the apprentice onto Crookedjaw's back. "We have to get her to Brambleberry!"

Shellheart swiftly nodded before helping Crookedjaw. Together, they departed from the stones, swimming into the river and carrying Graypaw across. The she-cat didn't move, but her eyes wildly dashed around.

"The adder is gone," Beetlenose confirmed to Oakheart. For a moment, the black tom's eyes seemed to reflect genuine concern. "Go to the camp and tell Brambleberry to be ready."

"Of course!" Oakheart wasted no time, jumping halfway across the river and swimming the rest of the distance. Graypaw needs my help! Oakheart charged ahead of his brother and father as they worked together to carry Graypaw. The storm worsened as he continued, massive drops of rain blurring his vision. However, he couldn't give up. His endurance could be the difference between Graypaw living or dying.

I must get to the camp! Oakheart felt his lungs screaming for air as he put all of his energy into sprinting. He exploded over the next ridge, following a small slope downhill until he burst through the reeds surrounding the camp. He let out a sharp cry, alerting the warriors in the camp and gaining their attention.

Several eyes moved to face Oakheart. Confused looks were plastered across the faces of his Clanmates. Brambleberry watched him as he stumbled towards her. Panting, he barely managed to deliver his message. "Graypaw has been bitten by an adder. We're bringing her back. Get ready!"

Brambleberry nodded, trying to hide the horror in her eyes as she turned and raced into the medicine den. Oakheart paced in the clearing, knowing there was nothing else he could do now. His only choice was to wait. What if they don't get back in time? What if they're too late? I can't lose Graypaw!

She has to live! Oakheart concluded. She's almost a warrior. She deserves to be one! He listened to the cats in the camp as they whispered anxiously to one another. Hailstar left his den, entering the rainy clearing and waiting with Fallowtail.

Suddenly, the reeds in front of the camp parted. Beetlenose pushed the plants out of the way and Crookedjaw worked with Shellheart to bring Graypaw into the camp. The she-cat was twitching and seemed distant, almost as if she was unconscious. The two warriors worked together to bring her to the center of the clearing.

Brambleberry ran out of the medicine den holding herbs. The wind and rain battered them, knocking some out of her jaws. She stopped at Graypaw's side, watching as the young gray cat trembled. The medicine cat examined her wounds and then looked into her clouded eyes. She lifted her head.

Brambleberry blinked a few tears. Her horrified expression sent a shiver down Oakheart's spine. Slowly, she explained, "There's nothing I can do for her. It's too late."

"There has to be something you can do!" Oakheart insisted. He shook, his claws digging into the cold ground of the clearing. The sound of rain pouring into the ground camp him. He ran to Graypaw, mud splashing as he stepped. "You have to save her!" He pleaded with the medicine cat.

But the black and white she-cat only lowered her head. Oakheart felt the chill of the wind pierce his fur. He felt colder and more helpless than ever. He was barely able to lift his gaze to see Fallowtail.

Fallowtail's eyes were wide and filled with tears. She pulled her lips back into a snarl and faced Hailstar, who stood on the rock in the center of the clearing. "I raised her like she was my own kit!" Her voice cracked as she yowled over the storm, loud and sharp with grief.

Then, the she-cat violently shook her head, as if denying the agony and sorrow in her own voice. Keeping her eyes on Hailstar, she demanded, "Name her! She must go to StarClan with a warrior name!"

Hailstar hesitated, still clearly in shock from Brambleberry's announcement. As he waited, Fallowtail shrieked again, "Name her! Please, Hailstar!"

Shivering, Hailstar raised his voice. "This she-cat has given her life for her Clan. For this, she shall be called Graypool in StarClan. May she hunt in peace with our fallen Clanmates."

"Graypool!" Oakheart crouched down, facing the she-cat.

Suddenly, Graypool's eyes filled with recognition. "Oakheart!" She yelped, her voice full of pain. "Where am I? My body is on fire! What's happening?"

Brambleberry stepped forward, placing a paw on Graypool's shoulder to calm her. "You're in the RiverClan camp." Sadly, she added, "You'll be going to StarClan soon."

"No!" Oakheart cried, gazing into Graypool's eyes as dread flickered in them. However, she took a shaky breath, relaxing.

"I'm glad I was able to die with my Clan," Graypool whispered, "and with you, Oakheart."

Oakheart could barely listen to Graypool any longer. "Please don't leave me!" He begged. "I love you!" But it was too late. As he laid his head on her pelt, he felt her body grow cold.

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now