Chapter 2

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Stormkit felt his paws twitch as he blinked awake, light washing over him. The wide entrance of the den allowed him to see the glowing sun outside. The kit could tell it was windy from the leaves blowing through the clearing. However, from his nest inside the medicine den, he couldn't feel the breeze in his fur.

"Are you in pain this morning?" Brambleberry, the medicine cat, gently asked as she passed Stormkit. She had herbs in her jaws, carrying them across the den and placing them onto small piles of similar plants.

Yawning, Stormkit felt his jaw twist in a way that still wasn't comfortable for him. It had been at least half a moon since his accident, and yet he hadn't adjusted to his broken jaw. The way fresh-kill leaked out of his mouth as he tried to eat was repulsive. He had seen his own face in the river that ran beside the camp, and it made him upset knowing that Brambleberry could only do so much for him.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Stormkit shook his head. "No, I'm fine." His tongue swung awkwardly as he spoke, and his jaw ached. He slumped down in his nest, his tail twitching.

"I'm doing everything I can for you," Brambleberry sighed. "I know it can't be fun staying in all day."

The pale brown kit unsheathed his tiny, sharp claws. "It's not fun!" He whined. "I should be able to wander around camp, but Rainflower doesn't want me to!"

"She doesn't want you to hurt yourself again," Brambleberry corrected, "but I understand that it can be frustrating. You must have so much energy!"

Staying silent, Stormkit listened to the warriors discussing in the clearing. He could hear all of their voices as they passed by the medicine den. If he squinted his eyes, he could spot Troutclaw and Tanglewhisker basking in the sunlight across the camp. The bustling camp was full of warriors, some returning from the dawn patrol and others leaving to hunt. Hailstar, the Clan leader, sat proudly on the rock in the center of the camp.

Just as Stormkit was observing the leader, another cat obstructed his vision. As he blinked, he noticed that the cat who stepped in front of him was a large gray tom. Shellheart! He smiled at his father, and the deputy nodded in response. Then, he turned away. He must be so busy as deputy, and I bet it's difficult being leader. But I'll be up for the challenge when I lead RiverClan.

Will I lead RiverClan? The question had rung in Stormkit's mind for a while, but he refused to give himself an answer. Surely, he could still lead even with a broken jaw. If I can't, Oakkit will make me his deputy.

As Stormkit peered around the den, he caught the sight of a familiar gray pelt standing near Brambleberry. He strained to hear his mother's voice. "I want to see him!"

"I never said you couldn't," Brambleberry retorted, moving away from the entrance of the den. Rainflower ducked, reaching for Stormkit and nuzzling him. "I'm glad to see you," she purred. "Are you finding something to do in here?"

Stormkit glanced at the mossball that laid in the corner of the den. Small cobwebs covered it. He had not played with it since his first few days confined with Brambleberry. "Yes," he lied. Something about Rainflower's tone made him slightly uneasy.

Rainflower smiled, "I'm glad you're doing well. Just stay in the den and keep resting."

When Rainflower turned to leave, she was pushed aside by Oakkit. The young cat bounded into the medicine den, shoving his way to Stormkit's side. "Stormkit! I learned a hunting crouch from watching Shellheart! I can show you!"

Finally, something exciting! "Sure!" Stormkit grinned at his brother as he crouched down.

"No, Oakkit," Rainflower scolded, reaching out a paw and tugging him away from his brother. "Stormkit needs to rest, and you shouldn't be trying to take attention away from him anyways."

"I wasn't trying to distract you from him," Oakkit mewed apologetically, glancing at the dusty floor of the den. "I'm sorry."

Oakkit turned to leave the medicine den. Before he could reach the exit, Stormkit shouted, "But Rainflower, I want to see what he learned!"

With that, the reddish kit turned and ran back into the den. "See?" He insisted to their mother. "He wants me to show him!"

Before Rainflower could speak, Brambleberry stepped forward. "I don't see how it could do any harm," she reasoned, facing the pale gray queen. Stormkit saw an emotion in the white cat's eyes that he couldn't read.

Taking a step back, Rainflower rolled her eyes. "Fine," she grumbled, "show him the crouch your father taught you." She didn't leave Stormkit and Oakkit any time to thank her. Instead, she quickly left the den, turning her back on the kits and disappearing into the clearing.

Turning back to Stormkit, Oakkit couched down. "Let me show you how a warrior hunts!"

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now