Chapter 31

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Stretching, Oakheart left his nest. He was still tired from meeting with Bluefur the previous night. I wish I had gotten more sleep. But he had to help catch prey for his Clan. Since newleaf had started, the fish returned. RiverClan needed more warriors than ever to catch them.

The sun rose over the camp. Warriors wandered the clearing, circling the boulder in the center. Hailstar laid on the massive stone, looking over his Clanmates. No clouds blocked the bright, blue sky. Rays of sunlight shone into the clearing, illuminating Oakheart's dark pelt.

As the reddish-brown tom glanced around the clearing, he spotted Willowbreeze and Crookedjaw leaving the camp. The two snuck through the reeds, the she-cat leading. Where are they going?

Curious, Oakheart stepped towards the entrance of the camp. However, he stopped himself. I shouldn't be stalking Crookedjaw. That would be fish-brained! He simply sat down, waiting for the deputy to assign cats to the dawn patrol.

Crookedjaw is the deputy! Oakheart remembered, glancing down as he thought about Shellheart. Shaking his head, he decided, Crookedjaw needs to assign patrols. I better fetch him.

Oakheart followed the reeds to the edge of the clearing, stepping through them and over the small stream that surrounded the camp. Lowering his head, he scented the ground. Willowbreeze and Crookedjaw had gone past the area. However, as he lifted his head, he was met with the sight of his brother in front of him.

"Oakheart!" Crookedjaw started. "I have something to tell you!"

Startled, Oakheart stumbled back. As he regained his balance, he asked, "What is it?"

"Willowbreeze just told me!" The tom explained excitedly. "She's expecting kits!"

"Really?" Oakheart felt a smile forming on his face. As Crookedjaw nodded, he nuzzled the brown tabby. "Congratulations!"

Crookedjaw pulled away, wearing the largest grin Oakheart had ever seen. "I'm already thinking of names!" He hesitated for a moment. Then, he asked, "Do you want a mate one day?"

"Yes," Oakheart answered.

"Then find one. I'm sure there's someone in the Clan you've grown close to." As Crookedjaw spoke, an image of Graypool flashed in Oakheart's mind. However, something strange happened to her. Her fur grew thinner, and her pelt gained a bluish tint. A few scars formed near her shoulders. Soon, she appeared to be a completely different cat. Bluefur.

She's from a different Clan, Oakheart reminded himself. Peering over his shoulder, he looked into the camp. Above the reeds, he could see Hailstar on the boulder. He reasoned, "That's great, but you have to send out the dawn patrol. Hailstar won't do it himself."

The light brown tom froze for a moment, as if just remembering that he was the deputy. Then, he agreed, "Of course!" He hurried away, leaping over dead branches and reeds.

As Crookedjaw disappeared into the camp, Willowbreeze passed Oakheart. "I heard the news," he commented as she walked by. She only smiled before following her mate into the clearing.

I may as well join them, Oakheart decided. He entered the RiverClan camp, keeping his eyes on Crookedjaw. The tabby had assumed his place near Hailstar, calling out names and sending out patrols. Hearing his own name, the reddish tom moved closer.

"You will patrol the WindClan border with Beetlenose and Voleclaw."

Oh no, Oakheart sighed. Why would he put me with them?

Before Oakheart could join the two toms, Crookedjaw whispered to him, "Sorry, they were the only two left."

Oakheart glanced at Beetlenose and Voleclaw. The two toms were near the entrance of the camp. They slipped through the reeds, leaving the reddish tom to follow them. As he left the camp, he spotted them up ahead.

Voleclaw suggested, "Let's make this quick." He turned away, leading the patrol towards the WindClan border. To Oakheart's surprise, Beetlenose stayed beside him.

As they walked, Beetlenose began, "I remember how I always used to make fun of you as an apprentice."

"You still did as a warrior," Oakheart corrected, slight annoyance in his tone.

"Well," Beetlenose hesitated and took a deep breath. "I think you've become a good warrior." With that, the tom hurried forward and joined his brother.

That was odd, Oakheart remarked. However, he simply allowed himself to smile. If Beetlenose wants to make amends, all I can do is allow it to happen.

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now