Chapter 3

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The two kits rolled through the clearing, Stormkit's back thudding down as Oakkit tackled him. "Get off!" Stormkit squeaked as his brother stood on his back.

"Fine!" As Oakkit turned away, Stormkit leaped, skittering away from the ground and gripping onto his brother's tail. The reddish-brown kit yelped, whipping around and shoving Stormkit down. They both tumbled into the rock in the center of the clearing.

As Stormkit thudded against the stone, he hurriedly asked, "Can we take a break now?"

"Yeah," Oakkit agreed, settling down beside the rock. Stormkit stood, pulling himself to his brother's side. As they relaxed, he was finally able to realize there was a calm Greenleaf breeze cooling the clearing. Sunlight filtered through the sparse trees, reaching his brown pelt. Small flies landed, immediately chased away by warriors circling the camp. Now, most cats were working on rebuilding the sedge wall around the camp. Some of it had been blown away in a recent storm.

I'm glad to be back in the camp now. Since Stormkit had broken his jaw, he was kept in the medicine den to prevent further injuries. Now that he no longer felt pain, Rainflower reluctantly allowed him to play with Oakkit and the other kits. Even better, they would all be apprentices within the next two moons.

I wonder who my mentor will be? I hope it's Shellheart. The RiverClan deputy was watching Stormkit now, uneasily glancing at him. As Rainflower whispered to her mate, Stormkit grew curious. Are they talking about me?

Stormkit recalled the hunting crouch Oakkit had showed him while he was in the medicine den. He pressed himself flat to the ground, holding his tail slightly above the floor of the clearing. Circling around the large rock, he was able to get closer to his parents.

"I think it's a good idea," Stormkit heard Rainflower speak.

Shellheart shook his head. "Don't you see how something like that could hurt him?"

"It's for the best," Rainflower insisted, "so I'll tell Hailstar now."

The dappled gray tom stood to his paws, jumping in front of Rainflower and blocking her path to Hailstar's den. "You can't actually be thinking of doing this!" His ears flattened against his head.

Rainflower rolled her eyes. "Since when were toms interested in their kit's lives anyways? I'm going to talk to Hailstar."

As Rainflower passed Shellheart, he yelled after her, "I want to be interested in our kit's lives! I should have a say in this!" However, the pale gray she-cat ignored him, slipping into the leader's den. Shellheart only hung his head, wearily gazing at the willow tree above the den.

What were they talking about? Eavesdropping on his parents only made Stormkit more curious. However, he didn't have time to ask Shellheart. Hailstar exited his den. The thick-furred tom pulled himself onto the stone in the clearing. "Let all cats old enough to swim gather to hear my words!"

The clearing began filling, cats leaving their nests and sitting to listen to the leader. Stormkit backed away from the stone, resting beside Oakkit and listening intently. Brambleberry joined them, and so did Shellheart. Rainflower sat away from them, not even sending a glance their way as she stared up at the stone.

"We've gathered together for the renaming of a young kit," Hailstar began, gazing down at the clearing.

Renaming? Stormkit was puzzled. Beetlekit, Petalkit, and Volekit aren't old enough to be apprentices.

"Stormkit," he called down to the young kit, "step forward."

A wave of worry swept through Stormkit. What's happening? Are they going to change my name? He hesitantly stood to his paws, stepping in front of the stone. Trembling, he gazed around the clearing. Everyone was staring at him, their attention diverted from Hailstar.

Rainflower, who had sat near the rock, raised her voice. "I hope you know we're naming you after the struggle you've conquered."

Hailstar nodded. "This name does not describe you, only the trouble you went through. One day, you will hold it proudly as a full warrior of RiverClan. From this day forward, you shall be known as Crookedkit."

Crookedkit? Shame and embarrassment washed through him as the clearing stayed silent for several moments. He stared up at Hailstar, desperation glittering in his eyes. Please let this be some kind of joke!

But Hailstar only remained silent, his head drooping down as he began to back away from the rock. He leaped down, returning to his den across the clearing. After he left, Rainflower rushed to Crookedkit's side.

"Crookedkit!" She wore an expression that made the young tabby slightly uncomfortable. "I know you'll be such a good warrior. Your name represents your victory."

Really? Crookedkit slowly smiled. He turned to Oakkit. "Did you hear that?" He asked after Rainflower left his side. "I'm going to be the best warrior ever!"

But Oakkit shifted his paws, averting his gaze. "I don't think Rainflower was very nice for naming you that."

Uneasiness pricked throughout Crookedkit's pelt. But Rainflower loves me. She named me Crookedkit out of kindness, didn't she?

Oakheart's Promise - A Warriors AUWhere stories live. Discover now