Chapter 45

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"Silverpaw!" Stonekit giggled as the she-cat pounced on him. "Stop!"

Silverpaw stayed on Stonekit's back. She explained, "If you want to be a warrior, you need to know how to fight back."

Stonekit squirmed and struggled, attempting to get away from Silverpaw. However, the apprentice didn't move. She only laughed as he tried to get away.

Now annoyed, Stonekit whined, "I said get off of me!"

Oakheart, watching from the boulder in the clearing, decided to step in. He stood and trotted over to where the two young cats were arguing. He gently prodded Silverpaw away from Stonekit and helped the gray tom stand.

As Silverpaw wandered away, Oakheart turned to Stonekit. Lowering his voice, he reasoned, "She won't be stronger than you for much longer."

"Yeah!" Stonekit smiled, his ears perking up. "I'll be an apprentice," he cheered, "and you'll be my mentor!"

Nodding, Oakheart backed away and headed towards the entrance of the camp. The sun was shining, and no clouds were in the sky. Newleaf was already starting, and the fresh-kill pile would be full in the coming moons. A cool, calming breeze brushed through Oakheart's pelt.

Soon, Oakheart stopped wandering. He had arrived near the river. Glancing down, he saw his own reflection staring back at him. As he lifted his gaze to the opposing shore, he was reminded of the recent events in ThunderClan. Shortly after Bluefur was found dead, Thistleclaw became the Clan's new deputy. However, only five moons later, his body was discovered near the river. Whitestorm, a young and strong warrior, became the next deputy. Oakheart was glad when it was announced at a gathering. Whitestorm was Bluefur's kin, and he deserved to be ThunderClan's next leader.

Oakheart's eyes glittered as he noticed a small fish near the surface of the water. He crouched down, careful to make sure his shadow was far away from it. Unsheathing his claws, he lurched forward and grabbed it. He scooped it onto the shore and held it down, making sure it couldn't flop back into the water.

As Oakheart stared at the fish, he suddenly remembered the day he had spent fishing with Graypool as an apprentice. Together, they had been able to catch three fish. However, they only caught so few because they were distracted laughing with each other.

Those were good times. Oakheart sighed, but he didn't linger on the nostalgia for long. Graypool was happy in StarClan, likely with Hailstar and the other deceased warriors of RiverClan.

Now, with his prey in his jaws, Oakheart headed back to the RiverClan camp. He leaped over the creek that ran in front of it and pushed through the reeds. He noticed that Crookedstar stood on the boulder in the center of the clearing, watching the reddish tom as he entered the clearing.

"Oakheart!" Crookedstar called, gaining the attention of his brother. "You're finally back! It's time."

It's time? "For what?" Oakheart asked, confused.

Instead of answering, Crookedstar raised his head and called out to the cats in the camp. "May all cats of RiverClan gather to hear my words!"

Willowbreeze and her kits, who were laying nearby, gathered around the boulder. Ottersplash and Petaldust joined them, while Voleclaw and Beetlenose remained still. They watched Oakheart as he hopped onto the edge of the stone. The deputy noticed Stonekit cautiously joining his siblings.

"Today we are gathered," Crookedstar began, "to welcome a new apprentice into the Clan."

At first, Oakheart was confused. Is there a new cat in the Clan? Did someone find another abandoned kit? However, as Crookedstar continued, he realized what the leader meant.

"Stonekit, please step forward!"

It's his apprentice ceremony! Joy rushed over Oakheart. He lifted his head and smiled proudly at the stone-colored kit. As Crookedstar began to speak to Stonekit, the reddish tom could only think about how he would grow up to be a strong warrior.

"And your mentor," Crookedstar finished, "will be Oakheart!"

Oakheart stepped down from the boulder and lowered his head, tapping his nose to Stonepaw's.

"I'll be the best warrior in the forest!" Stonepaw whispered enthusiastically.

Oakheart lifted his head and gazed down at Stonepaw. He saw Bluefur gazing back at him. "Yes," he beamed, "you will."

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