Chapter 38

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"What will it be like?" Crookedjaw asked nervously as he crossed the last of WindClan territory with the medicine cat by his side. The moorland was left far behind them, and they now crossed the thunderpath that separated them from Highstones.

Brambleberry didn't stop walking, moving just as quickly as before. She continued as she answered, "I don't know. Hailstar never shared it with me."

"Can I share it with you?" Crookedjaw questioned. Now, they were halfway across the path. It was already rather dark, and no monsters were coming. They could take their time if they wanted to. However, despite the calm conditions, they were both still cautious and alert.

The black and white she-cat only stated, "That's between you and StarClan." Finally, the two cats left the cold, rough ground of the thunderpath behind. All that laid ahead now were sloped hills and jagged mountains.

As Crookedjaw walked, he remembered going to the Moonstone when he was an apprentice. The starry outlines of magnificent yet ghostly cats were clear in his memory, as if he had seen them just the previous moon. I wonder if I'll see Hailstar, Rainflower, and Shellheart. Thinking about Willowbreeze, he added, I'll tell her if I see Graypool.

Thinking about Willowbreeze led him to considering his unborn kits. Will I be able to raise them well as leader? Before he even finished the question, he decided, I'll take care of them more than Rainflower ever took care of Oakheart and I.

Excitement flooded over Crookedjaw. I'll be a father and a leader. RiverClan will be the strongest in the forest, and my kits will be the best warriors in the Clan.

"We're here," Brambleberry's statement cut into his thoughts. Blinking a few times, he saw Highstones form in front of him. The open, gaping cave sent a shiver down his spine. However, he took a step forward.

Entering the cave, Crookedjaw confirmed, "I'm ready."

"Great," Brambleberry smiled, taking the lead and journeying into the darkness. From out of his sight, she called, "It's almost moonhigh. We should hurry."

Walking down the dark corridor, realization suddenly hit Crookedjaw. I'm going to be Clan leader! I've wanted this since I was a kit! He reveled in the thought, knowing that he would be in charge of keeping his Clanmates safe the next morning. I'll be Crookedstar. Not as amazing as Stormstar, but it will do, he joked to himself.

Now, the cavern opened ahead of him. Crookedjaw exited the tunnel and felt fresh air swirling around his pelt. The cave was shrouded in darkness for only a moment longer before the Moonstone began to glow.

The Moonstone itself was just as breathtaking as he remembered. Each crystal that made up the structure seemed to reflect a different color. Some shades were a bright, glowing white, and others were the color of the sky. He even noticed a few black splotches near the base of the immense stone. It was brighter than all of the stars in the sky. The tom swore he would have gone blind if he had stared at it too long.

Without hesitating, Crookedjaw stepped forward. He laid in front of the Moonstone, casting a glance at Brambleberry. The medicine cat nodded in approval, so the tabby turned back to the stone. He pressed his nose against the cold, bright surface and closed his eyes. Before he fell asleep, one final thought crossed his mind. It will be nice to see everyone again.

The moon crossed the sky and left the Moonstone, darkening the cavern as Crookedjaw slept. Brambleberry watched patiently before laying down and getting some rest herself. The night passed by, and soon, Brambleberry awoke. She sat near the edge of the cave and simply waited for Crookedjaw. Finally, after a long time, he twitched and woke up.

"So?" Brambleberry asked as Crookedjaw stirred. The light brown tom tiredly opened his eyes. His whole body ached, but he also felt extra strength beneath his pelt. Energy flowed through his paws despite the fact that he had only slept for half the night. Yawning, he shook his head and moved his gaze to the she-cat.

Before Brambleberry could repeat her question, Crookedjaw began, "I was in StarClan. There were so many cats I've never seen before, but I saw a few I knew. Hailstar, Rainflower, Shellheart, and Graypool all gave me lives."

Brambleberry turned away from the stone and began towards the exit of the cave. Glancing over her shoulder, she grinned and remarked, "It's time we go back to the camp, Crookedstar."

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