Chapter 5

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Oakkit curled his tail over his paws, attempting to keep warm in the nest he had to himself. A cold wind blew through the camp, contrasting the warm Greenleaf sun that had shone earlier. The nursery was mostly sheltered, but there was a hole in the tightly woven reeds near the brown kit's nest.

Despite the howling winds, Oakkit found that he was finally able to get some rest. As he awoke, however, he found himself in a place that was even darker than his corner of the nursery. As he blinked, his surroundings grew clearer. Tall, dark trees loomed around him, their hanging branches extending upward and out of the small kit's vision. Murky black water bubbled in a stream nearby, but he could hardly even consider it a stream. The dark liquid stuck to the rocks and sluggishly flowed downhill. The environment was hazy and suffocating.

Between the shadows, Oakkit spotted a figure. The creature was clearly a cat. Maybe it's one of my Clanmates. Taking a cautious step forward, he was stopped by a wall of horrid scent. He knew the scent from visiting the medicine den while Crookedkit was there. The scent was disease.

"Are you okay?" Oakkit asked, his voice cracking as he called out to the ragged figure who hadn't moved yet. As he waited for a response, the cat slipped into the faint light, allowing him to see her splotched pelt. The tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat flicked her tail.

The strange cat's appearance startled Oakkit. She was large with broad shoulders, and scars covered her body, especially her muzzle. He stumbled back, landing on his hindquarters with his tail flat on the ground. Quietly, the kit questioned, "How did you get those scars?"

"I earned them," the she-cat spoke, "in battle."

Immediately, Oakkit sprang to his paws. This cat is a warrior! "What Clan are you from?"

"I'm Mapleshade," the ragged warrior explained, "and I lived in ThunderClan while I was alive."

She's dead? Oakkit tilted his head, confused as to how she was talking to him. However, he perked up as he came to a realization. She's dead! She's a StarClan warrior! He glanced around, reminding himself of his gloomy surroundings. StarClan's hunting grounds weren't as bright as he expected. Maybe this is where StarClan cats train.

Realizing he was staring at the she-cat, Oakkit asked, "Do you need something from me?" I'll serve StarClan any way I can!

"I came to train you and send you a message," Mapleshade stated.

"Really?" What kind of message is so important that it has to be sent directly to me instead of to a medicine cat? "What is it?"

Mapleshade approached the young kit, wrapping her front leg around him and pulling him closer. "Do you see this forest, how it looks like it never ends?" She used her other paw to gesture to the tall trees that surrounded them.

"Yes," Oakkit answered, squinting his eyes to see further into the black fog. He could only see so far but knew that the dark oaks must have continued into the distance beyond his vision.

"Well," Mapleshade started, "imagine having this entire forest as your territory, and more."

Oakkit's eyes sparkled. "That would be amazing!"

Laughing, Mapleshade explained, "You don't even know half of it yet. You see, you are destined to become the greatest warrior the forest has ever seen. You will be the strongest leader to ever lead RiverClan."

I will lead RiverClan! Rainflower always used to tell me so! "What can I do?" Oakkit begged, "I'll do anything!"

"You can make a promise to me."

"Yes, of course!"

"You don't know what you're promising yet," Mapleshade stopped him.

Oakkit tilted his head. "Well, what do I need to do?"

Grinning, Mapleshade continued, "You must promise to be loyal to your Clan above all else. What you want doesn't matter. Your Clan should be your only concern." Her amber eyes flashed with an emotion Oakkit couldn't pinpoint. "Do you agree?"

"Yes!" Oakkit cried, joy filling him. "I do!" I can't believe StarClan wants me to lead RiverClan!

Lifting a paw, Mapleshade rubbed Oakkit's head. "You've made the right choice. I'll see you soon." With that, the tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat began to fade, and the forest around them disappeared into pure blackness.

Oakkit opened his eyes, the nursery still dim around him. The sun clearly hadn't risen yet. Rolling over, he reached out to prod his brother and tell him about the dream. However, his paw only hit air. Crookedkit was laying in Rainflower's nest beside her. Why doesn't she love me anymore?

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