Chapter 37

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"What happened?" Oakheart cried as Brambleberry attempted to patch Hailstar's open wounds. The leader was breathing heavily, flinching when the medicine cat laid a paw on his shoulder.

One of the Clan's warriors, Echomist, stepped forward to explain. "Hailstar went ahead of the patrol and was attacked by a group of rogues!"

Moving his gaze back to Hailstar, Oakheart examined the tom's injuries. They appeared to be claw marks, with some larger gashes that resembled long stalks of bracken. His pelt was tattered and torn, a sign of the rogues shoving him around.

But he's our leader! Oakheart's mind rang. How could a group of rogues win in a battle against him? "Will he lose a life?" He asked, alarmed.

Brambleberry lifted her gaze, staring intensely at Oakheart. Then, with panic in her voice, she snapped, "He doesn't have more lives to lose!"

"He doesn't have more lives?" Oakheart repeated, shocked. He argued, "But he told us that he had three! He should be okay!"

The black and white she-cat only shook her head. "He didn't want the Clan to worry. He told me that this was his last one."

"No!" Oakheart ran to the leader. "Hailstar! You're so strong, the strongest cat in the forest!"

Hailstar, bleeding immensely, was barely able to lift his head. "No..." he struggled to speak. "Not anymore." After another pause, he cast one final glance at Oakheart. "You'll be such a great deputy." With that, his eyes grew cloudy, and his head dropped onto the blood-ridden soil.

Oakheart could only manage to stare in disbelief. Hailstar had been the leader of RiverClan since before he was born, and he often overheard the elders and senior warriors discussing how great of a warrior their leader was. Now, he looked weaker than ever, his thick pelt deflating around his still body.

"How did this happen?" Oakheart's voice cracked. He was speaking to the patrol, but he was unable to take his eyes off of the leader. "Why would you let him fight the rogues by himself?"

Echomist was pushed aside by Voleclaw, who reasoned, "We didn't know there were rogues up ahead. The wind was carrying their scent away from us. Hailstar simply went ahead and told us to stay back for a moment." The tom seemed calmer than Oakheart, but his voice faltered near the end of each statement.

"Hailstar was an old cat," Brambleberry interrupted. "He's lived a good nine lives, and now it's time for Crookedjaw to receive his."

You'll be such a great deputy. Hailstar's last words returned to Oakheart. Crookedjaw is the leader now, and he'll surely choose me. "Let's bring his body back to camp," Oakheart suggested, his voice still hollow with grief.

"Good idea," Echomist agreed sadly, being the first cat to reach for Hailstar's body. Brambleberry and Voleclaw joined, while Oakheart cleared the path ahead of them. He snapped the reeds and branches that were in their way, making sure the patrol would have an easy trek back to the camp.

The sun crossed the sky, following the patrol as they weaved through trails and paths. Ahead was the RiverClan camp, where Oakheart's Clanmates would be waiting. However, none of the warriors expected the group to be accompanied by a body.

As Oakheart led the patrol into the camp, shrieks of grief rang out from the clearing. Cats gathered around, collecting near the patrol and watching as Brambleberry pulled Hailstar's body forward.

"He was a great leader," Brambleberry bowed her head as she gently placed him down.

Many of the warriors in camp unknowingly echoed Oakheart's first question. "What happened?"

"Rogues attacked, "Brambleberry explained, "and they took his last life."

More cries of sadness erupted from the gathered warriors.

"He's dead!"

"His last life?"

"He must come back! RiverClan needs him!"

But despite the begging and pleading, Hailstar didn't stir. His body laid stiff in the center of the camp, and dried blood stuck to his fur. A shadow passed over the clearing, as if the clouds shared the Clan's sorrow. The scent of death loomed over the warriors like mist after a storm.

Crookedjaw, who had been sitting nearby, edged closer to Brambleberry. Oakheart could barely hear him as he quietly and shakily asked, "Is it time?"

"Yes," Brambleberry responded with a slight nod of her head. "We will go to the Moonstone, and you will receive your nine lives."

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