Chapter 1 "the world outside"

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??? (seated)

Yuuma Haruoto walked through the dazed alleyway. A girl was next to him, though her face was obscured. It could have been anyone, someone he knew, someone who was dead, or even a stranger his mind made up. He watched ahead as other people on the street talked and mingled with each other, the girl running up to join them. The more he looked the more he noticed that the people talking and conversing was skeletons. Stupid dream logic. He grabbed her arm before she left.

"Don't, it's dangerous," He told her. She shrugged before yanking her arm away and running to the light. Yuuma quickly chased after her, entering a crowd of people. The girl was now playfully waiting in line at the steps of a guillotine appearing in front of him. She wasn't going up the steps, rather she was among a line of people ready to be executed that day.

Yuuma was watching people cheer as someone before him was being forced up. He didn't put up much of a struggle, rather seeming to have given up. Yuuma raised an eyebrow at the figure, his face coming into view. He was completely white. White straight jacket, white faded hair, his doll-like eyes even had a white tint to them. It was a child, very short and under that jacket, he was likely extremely thin.

Yuuma pushed his way through the crowd before hearing himself scream out to the kid. The child looked over at Yuuma before being slammed down into position. He just smiled and laughed. The executioner started to say something, and everyone started to cheer. He looked around to see people he knew, people he saw on TV, characters in games and movies, and people he saw at the nearby cafe. They were all wearing school uniforms. Again stupid dream logic this isn't the time period or country... what am I going on this whole thing is screwed up.

Yuuma started to scream before the executioner pulled down the guillotine on the child. Child. He was just a child...

The next thing he saw was himself being pulled onto the podium. Seconds before he was just in the crowd. He kicked and screamed being forced by the faces of two people he recognized, the girl in the alley and the kid who just died. They threw him on and secured him to place. He screamed for somebody, anyone to give him mercy, but the crowd just cheered. Then it went black.

He woke up in a minor jolt. The first thing that came into view was a car window. There was a minor sunrise coming overhead as the car he realized he was in had the perfect view of the ocean. The ways the sun floated over the water, reflected as the colors mixed into each other like a watercolor painting. He could see a couple of boats of tourists likely all dropped from partying through the night. He studied where he was seated. He was in a car, then a normal car. The gray leather seats. He thought back to the dream. The child getting executed, the girl happily running to her own death. He let a bitter chuckle escape his lips. The world feels the need to remind him yet again of the state of his life.

It's fine, we finally made progress, once this plan is done then we will be one step further. He repeated in his mind. He ran his hand through his hair, fully aware that even if this mission went well he is still miles away from avenging his brother's death. No matter what I do, he is dead, I've lost and failed him. He threw his head back, looking to the side to see his best friend watching the road.

"How far are we?" He asked softly, he didn't want to startle his friend who likely assumed they were all asleep.

"We've been driving for a couple hours, I've been tracking them the whole time," Ren Sasaki, my best friend , Yuuma could tell that there were starting to be dark circles under his eyes. He hasn't slept since they started tracking the survivors of the fifty-third season of danganronpa.

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