the masked killing game

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masked killing game chapter 5, "twisted memories, twisted lies,"
surviving students- 6


Everything was dark again. It was cold. She felt like she was a ghost watching an event. At least what she believes happened during an event. Like being teleported to a famous event despite all she knew was some paintings and a textbook description. She wandered through it, letting her hands trace the walls, her fingers scraping off blood as she did. She could only smell blood at this point.

"Hey hey!" someone called out to her. "I want to ask a question for you, it gets really lonely here,"

She paused, watching the shadow slowly form into a small blob, going back and forth, like a ping-pong to nonexistent walls.

"What if blood smelled like chocolate?" She turned to the voice. Huh?

"You know... like if we just stab stab then we smell just like the best ice cream flavor! At least till they invent grape, actually they already did, but then the grape ice cream killed the inventor's crush's dog... so that proves that dogs must ruin everything!" the voice continued, jumping around and making exaggerated hand movements.

"I don't know, what would it be like?" she asked the voice.

"I dunno!" The voice slowly formed itself into a person sitting down on the steel surface, he pulled his knees up and rocked a bit. "Would we be disgusted by the smell of chocolate? Or would we be enticed by the smell of blood?"

"We would more likely be disgusted by chocolate," she deadpanned.

"Aw man, I didn't think you would be so mean Kori!" The boy whined. The name Kori wasn't her own. He just mixed her first name, Riko, around. At least she thought it wasn't her own, it's been so long since she's been lying with that name, and with her other name she can't bother to remember.

"I wasn't insulting you," Riko said. The boy flopped on his back, spreading his arms wide, his legs still over his chest.

"Don't you know! I'm actually chocolate!" he laughed.

"No, you're a human being," Riko deadpanned. The kid turned his face forward to her, his expression morphing to be as deadpanned as Riko's.

"How can I be human, I could be a monster hunting your dreams, or the big evil who is the reason for your suffering," he rambled, throwing his legs back and forth, kicking the air.


"Mannnn, you're so boring, I can predict all your answers from a mile away," he complained. "I bet you never think of anything cool, like what if instead of smelling like chocolate, our blood was chocolate!"

"No one would eat chocolate then,"

"Who could hate chocolate?" the kid pouted.

"Would you eat your own blood?" she said. The boy paused for a moment, deep in thought.

"Noooo," he whined. "Why do you always beat my games, it makes it no fun when you always win," he threw his head back, staring at the ceiling. "Though... I don't want to stop playing with you, but I... I deserve this," his eyes welled with tears, "I deserve to die don't I Riko?" He looked back at her, his face clear as day. The hydraulic press roared to life getting ready to crush whoever was inside.

"Don't you see... the press doesn't even recognize me as human anymore..." he cried. Riko found herself reaching her arm out for him.



She was alone now, the room smelled strongly of candied chocolates.


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