Twisted memories, twisted lies

15 2 0

Riko leaned on the back of the elevator, reading all the truth bullets on her monopad.

Hideyoshi's testimony

Riko's testimony

Riko's lab

Stab wound

Layout of new floor

New floor opening-up

Time of death

Monokuma file

Kazuki's body

Hideyoshi's attack

Riko's whereabouts.

This trial is going to be annoying, quick, but annoying.

For each trial in this killing game, there was a day between the discovery of the body and the trial itself. If Riko had a theory as to why it might have to do with editing the last episode to live stream the trial. The final trials were always live, though some complaints that they were missing information happened after of which. This season might have been a test round.

She could imagine the pain of the editors hoping anything they cut out won't secretly become relevant, though they can always put it back in on the DVD or streamed versions.

All of this meant they all had to deal with the forced normalcy of the morning. The first couple of times they spent the whole day investigating, searching the school, trying to uncover every possible hint till the very end. It didn't make trials any shorter, or the culprit any clearer, mostly due to Monokuma not allowing anyone to discuss the case with themselves. Those days usually just had people running about, being shut up by Monokuma, and a lot of stress.

Nowadays they investigate till there is nothing else left and go among their days. Sometimes they would play games, other times they napped. There is usually a weird lingering feeling that one of them is the culprit, that this is the last time they would see at least one person. That this is the last time one of their group will be alive. It was a weird feeling, though eventually Riko got used to it. This time the group got to explore the new wing. The labs were still locked. Monokuma told them since someone is dead he won't unlock the other labs till the end of the trial.

Ignoring the dead body stuck in there, Riko would have liked her lab. It was full of false doors and it had remnants of her room back with DICE. They had a lot of things she remembered Kokichi collecting during his killing game. There was a tripwire that when Kaito walked across, and dropped a Rantaro effigy from the ceiling, everyone promptly freaked out.

Riko took a lot in her to not laugh. She walked to it, while damaged, the craftsmanship was truly amazing, one of the last great masterpieces of Angie Yonaga. I wouldn't be shocked if this thing knows more secrets about Kokichi than I do.

She spent a while in the nurse's office fixing Hideyoshi's eye. She had no clue why, she could give Kaito a bit of slack since he won't remember his training though Kana knew how to sew, yet it was Riko's responsibility to death with Hideyoshi. He was complaining all about her and what she did. Riko didn't even bother to retort, just listened and hummed along. Once Riko was done he stormed off to go investigate Kazuki's death. Riko didn't chase him.

The rest of the time she just spent in her room. She looked around it, like all the trials accepted that this might be her last time in this room. Maybe a version of her would have been attached.

She thought back to when she debated watching her video. There was a chance she could just be blissfully ignorant and not fall into this mess.

She got one chance to branch off and talk to Kiibo one more time, updating him on the situation. He was very upset over the death of a person he never met. It was more that someone died moments after he reached her, thinking he could have stopped it over any personal attachment though Riko still bullied him for it. What he did have access to was the cameras and those cameras made it clear as day who did it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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