the interview

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" Hello, my name is **** ******** and this is my tape for danganronpa fifty-four. I do not have much to say in a video. You don't know my name, you don't know my talent. If you were to look me up you might find a missing girl with a different name. I've come with an offer, I want you to let me join the season, let me play the game that you felt so inclined to kidnap and kill my brother for. In return, I would be able to offer you what you most desire,"

"Yukiyume, Riko," the interviewer, an older woman who time has not been kind to, called out. She has been through a couple of interviews so far. Though this is the first one after her lunch break. The girl walked inside, she looked to be about sixteen.

"Hello," the girl said.

"Alrighty then..." the interviewer shuffled some papers. Her boss shortly before giving her some special questions for this one. He said that she was a special girl, and she knew that her boss was watching through the cameras. He only did that for the most interesting players, usually any team-selected participants, however, this is the first sign-up participant he really was interested in.

The interviewer exchanged some basic pleasantries with the girl before she sat down. She went through the papers till she found the first questions to ask her.

"The first thing of interest to us, is after some facial recognition and a background check, it seems that you're currently a missing person,"


"Is Riko Yukiyume your birth name?"

"Yes," she responded. The interviewer nodded. It all lined up with the information she

was given. Apparently, they got the information from a very good source. She asked for the source however her boss was famously cryptic about the whole thing.

"Are you currently living with a guardian above the age of twenty-five?"

"Non non,"

"Who are you living with?"

"That is private information,"

"I'm sorry but we have to confirm this information before we head on to the-"

"It says it all on the file, just hand it to me and I will confirm it," the girl deadpanned. The interviewer recoiled at the girl. Who was this random to act like she is the boss of this place?

"I'm sorry Ms. but-"

"Give her the file Ms. Shima" her boss called through the intercom. Way to reveal yourself to the interviewee... Shima rolled her eyes before she handed the file to the girl. She quickly flipped through it before handing it back to her.

"This is all correct," she said.

"Alright... so let's start with the basic questions," Shima said. "Tell us about yourself, why do you want to join season fifty-four of danganronpa this late? Most of the roster is chosen and we just have a couple we might go back and forth with,"

"For season fifty-three there was a participant, his name was Kokichi Ouma,"

"What does Kokichi Ouma have to do with you?" Shima frowned.

"I watched every episode of the fifty-third season for him, before that I haven't actually cared for danganronpa,"

"I see," Shima tried to not roll her eyes. This was another case of a fangirl who wanted to be like her favorite character, only to have to apply as a lucky student and be too boring to make it through. She wondered why her boss even bothered with this one. "Why did you gravitate to Kokichi as a character?"

"I've always been close with him, back when I was younger I was the first to approach him," the girl said.

"You've known Kokichi Ouma before the killing game?" Shima tilted her head.

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