The discovery

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It was the middle of the night. They were walking across some sort of bridge. She looked down, watching the water so still she could swear she could walk on it. She traced her hand over the marble railing, staring down at it.

"RiRi! Don't you dare ignore me," Kokichi shouted behind her. She turned around sharply, facing him.

"What do you need?" Riko asked.

"Nishishishi, I'm gonna command you to murder someone for me,"

"Who do you need dead?" Riko deadpanned.

"That's not how you're supposed to react! You're no fun!" He crossed his arms. "Well for your information I was lying, it was a test and you failed!"

"I see..." Riko said. She continued to walk along the bridge.

"Well if I did have you kill someone it would be that meanie Kaito, can't do even simple jobs, would make a terrible DICE member,"

"You mean killing you?" Riko asked, Kokichi widened his eyes for a moment before looking up at her and smiling.

"Yup!" Kokichi sang. "All he had to do was press a button then splat! There goes little Kokichi Ouma!" he skipped a little, kicking a small puddle at the bottom of the bridge. Riko ran over, holding her skirt, though letting the train of the dress soak in the water. She grabbed his arm with her gloved hand.

"But that could never happen," Kokichi smiled.

"Why is that?"

"Because Kokichi Ouma does not exist,"

Riko woke up in her bed. The first thing she noticed was her closet no longer had her silver blazer and now with copies of her white jacket. She quickly changed into it and walked out before the morning announcement. She wandered a bit before running into Kazuki of all people. He was lost in thought, mostly walking in circles.

"What are you doing up?"

"Just thinking," he muttered. "I thought maybe taking an early morning walk could clear my mind, that's what Kai says to do,"

"I see... you can always walk with Kai and I if you would like," she offered.

"Maybe, though Kai is very... passionate, ya'know?"

"He mainly just stargazes and talk about whatever,"

"Oh god do I have to tell him my life story?"

"Non non, but he will ask your favorite planet," Riko laughed. Kazuki relaxed a little. The two talked for a bit before Riko could finally send him away so she could get into Kaito's room.

She pulled out her lockpick and found herself inside. This is an invasion of privacy... but for the sake of all of our survival... hopefully, he can deal with it.

He wasn't wearing his mask, and his sleep position was surprising, impossible for anyone to be comfortable. It doesn't matter, she knows what Kaito Momota looks like. He doesn't seem in any way injured or tired, far unlike Kokichi.

Riko walked over to his bedside, grabbing a small orange bottle. She read the label. 'Monokuma memory pills' idiot, she opened it up and walked to the bathroom, dumping it all down the toilet. She knew that Monokuma would likely restock them but if she could at least get the idea in Kaito's thick head then maybe he will refer to himself how she does in her head.

When he finally started to open his eyes, the first thing he saw was Riko facing him, leaning back on the wall with her hands back.

Understandably, he screamed in terror. Riko did not react to his freakout.

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