What really happened that night

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"By popular demand, it's time for the motive video!  Who's the most important person in *your* life? Without further ado..."




"Riko Yukiyume who was supposed to be the backup leader of the organization DICE, a group that caused major mayhem across the world, if you count a lovely group of ten that caused pranks and harmless mischief, at least, in fact, this group worked under their number one rule, no killing!"

The video morphed into a photo of a group of people, all wearing clown masks and outfits that were more lay straight jackets than normal uniforms. Riko was wearing the exact same mask, seated to the left. She seemed much shyer in that photo. Of the group, there was only one whose face was seen. He was wearing a cape and hat, his proud expression shining through the photo. He must have been the leader, the one who died. ... That was Koko... the video then began to darken, keeping herself, the leader, and the boy between the two highlighted.

"Of course of all the closest was the founding trio, which meant when their supreme leader, ahem, died, the ultimate liar took up the mantle to enter the killing game and seek revenge with her own life!"

Her mind was blank, ignoring that he revealed she is doing this willingly. The person in front of her was Koko, the person who she joined the killing game willingly for. That person in front of her was dead. The more she studied him she started to notice his features. She couldn't pinpoint them exactly, though she felt comfort in seeing his face. The more haunting idea was that she was close to this person, and that person was dead.

That person was no longer in this world.

That child was dead.

"Of course, she still retains her former title as how one could be the ultimate supreme leader..." the screen fades to another image, and all the members including Riko disappear, only the middle figure was left in a cage.

"When the current one is still kicking around! But what will happen to little 'Koko' after the killing game? It's a secret! Find out for yourself. Puhuhuhuhu..." the image lingered on the leader trapped in the cage. He was sitting on the ground, bound by a real straightjacket and his expression was nothing but bitterness and pain.

Riko stayed silent for a while, clasping her hand over her mouth, the other still holding the monopad with a shaky hand.

"Riko!" a playful voice rushed up behind her, crashing into Riko. She turned around to see a familiar mop of hair before he turned up to her. He began having crocodile tears form in his eyes. "Please don't leave me!"

"It's only for a little bit," Riko sighed before she patted his head. "Besides you need to get out more,"

"But it's scawee being all alone," he faked cried. "What if you never come back!"

"I won't leave you for too long," Riko relented, letting him go of the hug but holding his hand and kneeling down. "You know that right, I won't leave you like that,"

Kokichi smiled.

It all rushed back to her like a massive truck to the head. She had a headache now, her mind running so fast she could barely process the information she was receiving. Memories coming back and forth, all feeling more real than anything she was ever given by a flashback light.

With a shaky hand, she reached into her pocket to pull out one of Kana's slips. She recalled one of them,

Use this slip when you get your motive video to unlock a secret.

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