Yuuma's wandering adventures

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Yuuma has an official splash art by me!! 

??? (seated)

Yuuma found himself sitting in a dark room, Naomi was sitting right next to him crisscrossed, while Saihara sat in the middle. They were all watching him analyze a past trial case in the current killing game. It seemed to be the third trial, a double murder. The second was also a double murder oddly enough.

"Do you know who the killer is?" Naomi peered down at the heated discussion on the screen. Saihara put his hand over his mouth before pointing to one of the players, it was a younger girl, all in figure skating-themed clothes and a choppy short haircut.

"Her," He said.

"Already they just got to the trial," Yuuma titled his head, he knew that Saihara was right since he watched this trial live.

"Yeah, she is the only one who could have possibly done it, just by looking at the crime scene," He responded.

"How?" Naomi asked.

"She committed the murder by luring the victim to the garden and smashing her head to a wall, the second witnessed the crime so she had to pounce and they fought again, during the fight the second victim managed to cut her hair a bit. She covered up the crime by writing a random name in blood. The only issue is that she wrote the name in her native language in a panic, but no one else could understand the letters so that is the only thing that caused them to not figure it out. Afterward, she knew that her hair with the poor cut would be a giveaway, so she made up a scene in front of her friends to cut it, in reference to Mulan, then she went with her two friends to discover the bodies like she was innocent," Saihara recounted as the people on the screen started to press a completely different suspect.

"How did you figure that all out?" Yuuma asked, crossing his arms.

"All in the clues, while soaked in blood and hard to tell the color, she, Riko, and Kana are the only three that are long enough, however, Riko has an alibi and Kana is not physically capable of this type of murder. As well that I know both are still alive in the killing game," He started to explain.

"Along with her hair-cutting scene feeling too scripted and show-like as if she was trying to act out something... I wouldn't be surprised if team danganronpa meddled with her mind to make her act like that. It's also clear she got into a struggle with the second victim and not the first due to the position of the bodies, the first one has blunt force trauma on the side of her head near the lilies. Likely she led her just close enough to the wall and quickly overpowered her, she later used a broken piece of glass from the struggle to stab the first victim's neck to appear she is dead, and the second body is laying in the middle of the thorn bushes. It's not planned and the way the body is damaged doesn't seem controlled, the murder weapon is not known, but my theory is that the killer used her extra skis in her backpack as a sharp weapon,"

"Oh I see, did they mention her skis yet?"

"No, I only recalled her skis back when they unlocked her lab," Saihara responded bluntly. Naomi pointed to the long-haired girl.

"She's being weirdly quiet,"

"That's because she's analyzing each person's statements, she is trying to find who is lying, watch as she presses the suspect to see if she's lying," Saihara nudged his head for Naomi to watch the game.

"Kukiko, what's your favorite flower?" the long-haired girl asked.

"How does this matter?" Kukiko, the ice-themed girl asked.

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