Morgues and dolls

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A/N, ya'll really need to just yell at me to update, I feel so bad that I haven't posted here,

masked killing game, chapter 5, "twisted memories, twisted lies," surviving students 6
Riko Yukiyume ultimate supreme leader
Kai Tomomoto ultimate ???
Kana Mikan ultimate stylist
Kazuki Nakaya ultimate bassist
Hideyoshi Kimura ultiamte N.E.E.T
Kyoko Takao ultimate propagandist

note- this chapter is another of those with graphic depictions of violence

"Kana..." Riko knocked on the door to Kana's room. It was almost officially nighttime, meaning everyone had gone into their rooms.

"Yes?" Kana peaked through her dorm room. "Oh Riko!" she smiled brightly upon seeing her.

"Hi, can you get something for me?" Riko said.

"Um... what do you need?" she asked. "New pajamas?" Riko peered inside her room, looking at all the costumes she had.

"What outfits do you have in your room?" she deadpanned.

"Oh... you want a new look?" her eyes sparked with stars. "Of course! Wait a moment... do you plan to confess your undying feelings to Kai? Oh my god! I have to sew you up something stunning, I think you would look best in... let's see... you seem to be a dark winter, so I would put you in maybe navy blue. And with your body type... something tighter but not too tight, just enough to outline your figure,"

"Sure..." Riko deadpanned. Kana moved to the side for Riko to enter the room, watching as she inspected all the manikins.

"I have more in my lab but we can always-"

"I want this," Riko pointed at an oversized jacket reminiscent of a straight jacket.

"Um... why?" she looked at the jacket in question. "I mean it's a nice contrast with your hair and the open shoulders do seem to fi-"

"Why did you make it if it wasn't made to be worn?"

"Um... well... it was already there!"

"Then I want to wear it," Riko started to grab the jacket from the manikin, removing her blazer and cape and putting it on. She took a deep breath, maybe I'm out of practice, that was too harsh...  "Doesn't it look nice!" she smiled. Kana gave a confused thumbs-up before Riko turned around.

"Now I should be going, I really wanted something new, ya know? The old is so boring and dull and I can't last another day with you complaining about it," Riko said. Kana reluctantly nodded before she headed out the door

"Have a good night...?" she muttered before Riko shut the door.  Riko walked back to her room and threw off her cape and silver blazer. She removed the mask and went to the bathroom, staring at herself in the familiar outfit.

It wasn't the same Daido made, missing the familiar comfort. However, it had a similar shape and open shoulders. It will do for now. Riko grabbed Kokichi's scarf and wrapped it around her neck, finally feeling a bit like herself again. She smiled a bit before taking her mask again to leave the room.

She knocked on the door of Kai's. It took a while with a bunch of shuffling through the room but eventually, he opened it, a bit of a mess however his mask was on and that's all that mattered to the game.

"Hey, Riko! How's it going," He smiled. "Whoa! I love the new look, you talked to Kana?"

"Yeah... I thought it was about time," Riko looked away. "Do you want to just go on a walk with me tonight, I'm a bit too tired to exercise," she grabbed Kokichi's scarf a bit, playing around with the fabric between her fingers.

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