Obsessive Love and healing

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 Kavya awakened sometime later again after Viraj had convinced her to settle down back in bed. She had to use the restroom, so she started to get up. She was relieved the needle was gone for now. A band aid had been placed on her arm likely while she slept. She looked across and Viraj was fast asleep.

She smiled slightly to herself as she picked up a blanket and placed it on him. He didn't snore.

"Probably because he is pretty fit ," she  thought to herself.

She blushed slightly. Why couldn't she really fathom he had chosen her? Something was missing in her memory, ok maybe more than something.

She decided she better go use the facilities before he felt her missing. He would probably be still worked up from last night.

She winced realizing how stiff she really was from falling and the chloroform or whatever they had used on her.

She freshened up and then went into the shower.

Her cuts and bruises stung a  bit . After a few minutes it became bearable. She became lost in thought.

Who was her family? When would she meet his family? Did he pick her against their wishes, is that why they were in this mansion alone except for the house staff and security?

A banging on the  bathroom door, broke her reverie. She quickly finished up and wrapped herself in a towel.

She opened the door to find an alarmed Viraj.

"Didn't I tell you not to lock the door?," he exclaimed.

She swallowed hard.

" I am sorry, I didn't want to ...

He  held her  by her face.

"That is twice in less than  few weeks I could have lost you. My very soul quivers on the thought of never seeing you again," he declared.

The psychologist  in her took over. She placed her hands on his  and told him to deep breath and relax. She placed his hand above her bullet wound scar.

A sense of deja vu came to mind making her dizzy for a second , but it wore off as she was determined to calm him down.

She did some deep breathing with him for a moment.

The moment broke when she felt dizzy and started shiver. This had happened before. Maybe not exactly like this, but it had happened between them.

When she gained back some senses, she awakened to see a whole layout of breakfast set out with fresh squeezed orange juice.

She looked down and saw she was dressed in a loose shirt and a pair of track pants.

Viraj looked somewhat better than before. He was dressed in white pants and a Hawaiian shirt.

He leaned into kiss her forehead.

"Viraj who dressed me?"

"What do you think Kavya?"

"Shaadi se pelhe?"

"Kavya I would never take advantage of you when you are not in your senses," he assured her.

He turned to grab a glass of juice and held it to her lips.

She took a sip and felt a bit better. Perhaps earlier her blood sugar had been low.

He caressed her hair out of her face. She looked at him quizzically.

"Look I am very possessive about those I love. I couldn't let anyone see you like that. I got you dressed then brought you out here. I swear I only touched you where I needed to," he said earnestly.

She seemed to take his word for it.

She grabbed a plate for herself and started to eat.

After a few minutes, she spoke up.

"Viraj do we have any bonvita around? I don't know why but I am craving it. I felt so cold before," she said.

"Kavya it was the effects of the drugs and you hadn't eaten  much the past day. But if you want some Bonvita, I will ask them to bring some over," he stated.

"I hope you don't leave when everything comes back to you Kavya," he thought to himself as he dialed the housekeeper.

Of course he had put it on the list before he knew she had lost her memory. He had hoped they could figure things out and why not have some items she liked stocked in the house. His intentions had been to keep her here to recover and then return to somewhat their routine before she had taken the bullet for him. She would have asked for her father.

He would have considered letting her father go if she agreed to never leave him. But Vinod Grewal was  not in the country as per his sources. Also neither was Sid,Kavya's now ex-boyfriend. He had made sure Sid knew, Kavya was only his.

Tomorrow he would teach her how to swim. If she started to remember more he would address her questions. Then he would keep spinning the web to keep her trapped in his world forever.

Tu Zakam Hai part 2 my versionWhere stories live. Discover now