Shortie problems(aka Jonathan lol)

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The door opened not long after Steve and I finished a movie. We were seated on the couch, one of us on one end and the other on the other end.

Nancy and mom walked in holding onto Will's hands. Nancy smiled at Steve and then at me.

"How was your day sweetie?" My mom asked Steve in a caring tone.

"It was really good, uh, Jonathan and I hung out. Thanks again for letting me stay here Ms. Byers." He said smiling.

"It's no problem at all."


Time past fairly quickly and Nancy was in her boyfriend's arms. I had to admit that I was a bit jealous and wished he could hold me like that.

The movie we picked out after the last one was a comedy and it made me feel a bit better.

"I'll be right back." I said and got up.

"Were ya going?"

I looked at Steve and Nancy telling them that I was going to get another blanket.

I went to my room and looked for a blanket on the top shelf.

"God damnit.." I said as I tried to reach it.

I pulled up a stool and stood on top of it. I still tried reaching the blanket but it was in the back. All the way in the back.


I yelled as I tumbled over. I sat up and rubbed my neck. "Ouch.." I whispered to myself.

"Hey! What happened? You okay?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up and opened my eyes to see Steve, mom, and Nancy staring at me.

"Y-Yeah! I just kinda fell off the stool, my ankle hurts but I'm fine." I said and continued rubbing my neck.

"Oh baby, try standing up." Mom asked and hugged me. "Mom I swear, I'm fine." I replied and stood up but hissed in pain when I got up and fell back down.

"Okay, I think you maybe hurt your leg Jonathan, what were you doing?" Nancy said.

"I was getting a blanket."

He sighed and mom looked at my ankle. "Here, let's get you to the couch. I can call you a doctor. Come on."

"It's fine Ms. Byers, I'll help him up," Steve said and smiled. "Call the doctor, I'll help him."

"Only if you insist, come now Nancy, let's get your brother's doctor to check his leg."

She said and both of them left the room. I looked at Steve and he crouched down to check my ankle.

"Tell me when it hurts." He said and his hand started to softly press his hand against my leg.

As soon as he hit my ankle I flinched. "Sorry!" He apologized.

"I think you kinda hurt your ankle the most," He sat next to me and kissed my cheek.
"It doesn't seem to be sprained or anything but I do think we should let your doctor check it out."

I giggled to myself and he looked at me curiously. He smiled and elbowed my side.

"What's so funny Byers??" He asked and I continued giggling. "Nothing, you just sound like a doctor."


A few hours later the doctor came in and checked out my foot. He said exactly what Steve had said but instead told me,

"You hurt your ankle but it's not sprained or twisted or broken but I do suggest you lay off your ankle to let it heal quickly and not make it worse."

I nodded of course, showing him that I understood.

He left and I went to bed with the help of Steve.

"You are very light ya know." I looked at him and once we got to my bed he put me down. "I feel like a baby when I get carried against my will."

He laughed and kissed me. I kissed back but we immediately broke apart when we remembered we could get caught anytime.

"Goodnight baby.." I smiled and wrapped myself in my blanket. "Goodnight." I replied and he turned off the light.

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