Chapter 14 - Jeremy's POV

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"We gotta do something. We're clearly apart of the problem." William says in the car, on our way home.
"To start off, I think someone should start thinking about what they say, before they say it." I say towards Grayson.
"Ok, this isn't my fault." Grayson argues.
"You were kind of a dick the second you stepped in." Damon says, disagreeing with Grayson.
"It's just what came out of my mouth." Grayson says.
"Maybe think about what you say." William says.
"Have you heard what you've said?!" Grayson argues back.
"Unless it's to Lexi." I say.
"Shut up!!!" William screams.
"I think you need to shut up!" Grayson argues.
"Grayson! Calm down!" Damon tells Grayson.
"Why am I always the one in the wrong?! I'm not the only one yelling!"
"Do you seriously have to ask that?!" I yell.
"Ok, can we all just calm down?" Damon asks us. We all just roll our eyes as a response, and sit in silence.

We get back home, and we naturally go to our rooms, without speaking to each other. I guess everyone's a little bit heated, even though the car ride argument was pretty short. I decide to do my homework, because I have nothing better to do. Now that I've properly reviewed some of the stuff taught in class, I can actually do my homework thinking that I did my homework correctly. I hate to admit it, but Sydney did a good job tutoring during the first session.

When I'm done my homework, it's around 7pm, and I go to Grayson's room to check on him. I knock on his door.
"What." He says, more than asks. I walk in, and close the door.
"You good?"
"Always." He says.
"Listen, I'm sorry for what I said. The boys and I just got frustrated."
"This seems to be a common thing in my life. With friends, with parents."
"Ok, you can't keep going back on that!" I yell, getting frustrated.
"Isn't this supposed to be an apology?!"
"It was!"
"Just get out!" I get out of Grayson's room and go back to mine. I just sit and think for a few minutes, before getting a text from Grayson to the group chat.

 I just sit and think for a few minutes, before getting a text from Grayson to the group chat

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I guess he just needs space. We definitely have a lot of disagreements as brothers, but in the end we kind of get forced to like each other again. Either by one of us apologizing, or our parents. I hear William on a call, so I see if Damon wants to do something. I make it over to his room, and knock on his door.
"You wanna do something? Grayson's out, and Will's on a call."
"Sure. What did you have in mind?" I think, but I can't think of anything.
"Any ideas coming from you?" I ask.
"Pizza and sports tv?" Damon suggests.
"It's a date!" I say, making us both laugh.

Author's Note:
Oh my goodness!!! It's been so long, but I'm finally back!!! Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Also let me know if you've listened to Midnights by Taylor Swift! Love you all!!!

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