part 11 - Finally

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Your pov

Me and Charles walk back outside and everyone was looking at us as if there were waiting for us.

Half of the grid was ther including: Carlos, Lando, Mick, Lewis, Valtterie, Daniel and obviously Charles and I.

I look around until I found myself again seeing George.

He shaked he's had at me and I know now I messed up a bit and that he will be mad but I'm sure he won't hate me for it because he knows I would've done it anyway.

I said „I'm so sorry" but without saying ut out loud so George reads my lips and said „I know".

Charles put his hand on my shoulder and pointed on the interviewer. I looked at George one more time and he was crossing his fingers for me. I smile at him and went to the interview again.

Interviewer- So guys here you are back again finally and I have good news. We know who won!"

I bit on my teeth and looked at Charles. He smiled but I could see his smile was fake.

I was standing on the right side of him so I put my left arm around his wast and with my right hand I went trough his hair 3 times and petted his shoulder a bit and Charles puts his right arm around my waist.

Interviewer- Aw theyre supporting eachother whoever will win. But yeah we all were wating for this moment and I'll tell you know who won!"

Charles and I looked at eachother and he nicked with his head yes.

(Tough weekend!")

We both now already who won so guess we better tell the world together and listening to the interviewer.

Interviewer- And the winner of the Spanish Gp is...!"

Us- Y/n!"

I swear I'm so sorry for Charles I just said he won't win because I like to tease him and nornally he does ein then because he's a fighter and won'ts to ein even more whenever I tell him he will lose.

Interviewer- Yeah that is right congratulations to you Y/n but how did you guys know!"

Charles hugged me and I hugged him very tight.

He smiled and so did I but it doesn't feel like a win.

Y/n- We saw it!"

Charles- Yep! Long story but in the end I'm happy for Y/n even tough I wanted todays win really bad but yeah I guess the better wins as Y/n would say! Congratulations!"

The Interview was finished after some other sentencs and the boys all congratulated me and Charles.

But before that happend I walked back to the Interviewer and took his microphone from him.

Y/n- Uhm sorry can I have this. Thanks. I just wanted to say real quick I am really proud of Charles and I wanted him to win and he would deserve todays win more than I do and I think we all wanted to see him happy and take that win I'm actually feeling bad now for winning! Yess that was it thank you. Bye!"

Carlos and Lando gratulated me and also Lewis, Mick and ofc Valterrie did.

Valtteri- Deserved win. You were really good today."

I also have one and another story with Valtteri.

I mean we share the same obsession.

Coffee over everything. It's a must.

Y/n- Thank you Valtteri. Appreciate it!"

Valtteri- Promise we drink a coffe later?"

I probably have the biggest smile of the day on my face standing across from Valtteri jumping up and down and clapping in my hands like a kid.

Y/n- I promise! And a promise is a promise!"

He also smiled at me and gave me a quick hug and split again.

Then I runned to my team and thwy finally get to celebrate my win or even talk to me since the race ended.

Toto- Much much deserved win Y/n I'm so proud of you!"

He gave me a massive hug and spins me around and nearly broke my ribs.

Y/n- Thanks Toto but you, ouch!"

Toto- Omg sorry I didn't realised! But go on the podium now we'll talk later!"

I smiled at him and started to run in the direction of the podium but I stopped and turned around again.

Y/n- Valtteri is allowrd to come? I promised him!"

Toto- You know. A promise is a promise!"

Y/n- Thanks!"

I smiled again and waved at him and Charles and Carlos were about to go to the podium too so I walk with them.

~little time skip

After the podium we did some pictures here and there and the post race interviews. Hate them.

I doesn't matter if I won, if I had a bad race or just a good race it completely doesn't matter they're bad anyway. Always the same questions. I don't really have anger issues but I'm honest all the time and when your famous you can't be honest because if you would the people seeing it would say she's mean and doesn't has respect to other people.

I clearly also do not have respect for some people but they shoud let that be my problem.

Interviewer- First off all congrats. I'm sure the race was really tough fighting against two top other drivers!"

Y/n- Oh yess it was really tough and I'm actually really tired now. But uhm yeah battling with Charles and Max at the same time is tough. mMde it even 10 times harder!"

Interviewer- Oh I believe you.-!

Y/n- Yeah you should."

I chuckled and took a sip of my water bottle and the interview continues and the last question did my dirty as hell.

Interviewer- So last question. You and Lando? There's this picture so are you two dating? Is that why he got the contract?"

(What in all heavens?)

I was actually just drinking out of my bottle after every question I anwsered cause my mouth got dry and when I heard this I spit it out on my left side and luckily there was no one standing.

Y/n- What the-"

I was completly shocked. But had to laugh at the same time

(Which photo? Dating? the seat because of me? For f*ck sake what the hell?)

Y/n- This is funny. I'm beeing honest know. I don't know which picture. Where deffenetly not dating and he also didn't got the seat because of that so who told you this?"

I was so done! Like what!

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