part 18 - Next day

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Your pov

The next moring was busy. I stand up at 7 O'clock beeing really tired after only 4 hours of sleep.

As I wake up I and see someone with tired eyes lying next to me.

After a couple of seconds I remember Mason went home with me and slept at mine.

(As much as I remember nothing happened)

I stretched myself and he puts his arms really tight around my body.

Mason- Moring sunshine."

He gave me a kiss on my cheeck an I didn't really enjoyed it.

Y/n- Moring Mason!"

A smile lights up on his face and so does mine.

Mason-You good?"

He puts his hand on my chin and smirked at me as I tried to push his arms off my body to get some space between us.

Y/n- Yeah ofc!"

Mason- Did anything happen between us?"

Y/n- No nothing happend in here and im reliefed it did not!"

Mason- Oh!"

He grabs my chin and turns it to face him.

Mase- Can I ask you why?"

Y/n- We should both focus on other things!"

His hand lets go of my chin and he gets up to get dressed. I took my phone and saw George texted last night.

The chat:

George: Carlos is safe!
Y/n: Thanks Georgie.

also Charles texted this morning;

Charles: Hey! Wanna eat breakfast with Carlos, Lewis and myself?

Y/n: Yess. In 20 at my room?

Charles: Whats your number?

Y/n- 444. At it's finest🤭.

Charles: Yes yes. Cya.


I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around to see Mason without a tshirt on.

Mason- Wich color?"

Y/n- We have this discussion every time! Just wear what you want Mase. You look good in anything"

Y/n- I'm so sorry but we need to get ready now! Charles texted me we should be down for breakfast in 20."

Mason gets dressed and went to the bathroom to get ready too.

I got all my things and wait at the door for Mason when there was a knock on the door.

I wanted to open the door and heard Mason screaming from somewhere in the room;

Mase- Y/n can you open?"

I open the door and respond- No Mase I cannot."

Y/n- Owe look. The Ferrari boys are woken up and ready?!"

Charles smiled at Carlos and Carlos looks on on the floor.

Y/n- How are we feeling mate?"

Mase walked past you and grabs the keys from the counter in your hotelroom and put on his shoes.

Mase- He looks okay to me."

Carlos- ustedes probablemente se divirtieron más que yo. {You guys had probably more fun than me}

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