part 15- The dinner

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Your pov

The five of us walked in the restaurant and there were Toto's wife Susi and Zak's wife.

We all greated eachother and sat to our table. The waiter asked us to take a picture with him and ofcource we did.
He also wanted a picture with everyone alone and we signed some cards for him and the team.

After that we get some drinks and everbody enjoyed it.

Toto raised his glass and made a little speech- I'm so grateful Lewis is driving for my team and for what he did all over this years and I will really miss him but it's his choice and on the other hand I'm exciting for my next years line up with Lando and Y/n.

I also raied my glass- Cheers to Lewis and Norris!"

Everone raised there glasses and takes a sip.

I looked at Lewis who was sitting next to me and smiled. Then I looked at Lando and he also smiled but my smile faided away.

We all eat something and had a fun night. Toto and Zak maybe drank a bit to much and told us jokes all night. Lewis, Lando and me just fake laughed to make him happy but it was more funny to laugh about him beeing a bit drunk than about his jokes.

As we were all about to leave and went outside ofcourse still Paparazzis and fans were there.

We all also did some short Interviews again and I did one with Lewis.

Interviewer- Lewis what do you think of the line up with Y/n and Lando next year?"

Lewis petted my shoulder and I smiled.

Lewis- I know Y/n is gonna drive amazing like this year and will look out for Toto. And I think Lando will also do a good job and if not Y/n will teach him how it's done. That's somerhing I know for sure haha!"

we all laughed and we also did an interview with Lando.

Interviewer- Did you guys all have fun tonight?

Y/n- We all did and some more and some less haha."

Lewis and Lando laughed because they knew what I meant.

Lando- True."

Lewis- Yeah it was a good night and I enjoyed it very much!"

Interviewer- Now a quick question for the boys. What do you think about Y/n tonight. Btw you look really georgues!"

Y/n- Thank you!"

Lewis- She looks amazing like every day. But she knows that!"

Lewis winked at me and I had to start smiling from ear to ear.

Interviewer- And you Lando?"

Lando- Same I already told her she looks good and I do like the blue on her!"

Lewis pushed my arm a bit to tease me but what would I do it doesn't change a think between if he thinks I look good or not.

Interviewer- Uhhh Lando!"

He started a bit blushing but you couldn't see it really good but I could see it in his eyes.

He shily smiled at me and so I smiled back. Not with a fake smile.


We were finished with the interview and a photographer asked me and Lando to pose again for them.

Lando gave me his hand again to walk down the steps and then I put my arm on his waist and he puts his arm on my waist.

Y/n- Not looking too bad yourself Norris!"

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