part 4 - Can you forgive me?

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(The beautiful girl I remember as the biggest slut in town. Wow... Wait wtf. A Gun)

She- If I was you I wouldn't move.

I laughed but stopped fast.

Y/n- Yeah. No."

I put my hand on her front neck and pull the gun out of her hand and kick in on her knee as she fells on the ground and screamed.

Y/n- You know that this was easy but first you should know how to use a gun. Dumbass!"

(wasn't even lowded)

I give the gun to Max who didn't wanted to hold it so he gave it to Lando and he didn't care cause he was in his own world not realising whats happening.

She- Lando baby help me."

I looked at Lando who was looking very confused and scared at the same time.

So I looked at her and grab her by her hoodie and boxed her in her stomach 5 times so she layes on the floor.

Y/n- F*ck you b.. No wait you don't even deserve to be called a bitch your more than that you deserve to be in prison motherf*cker. And let's not forget your mom who is there too!"

I spit on her, take the gun, went to the kitchen to wash the fingerprints of it and left it there.

Y/n- Where the fuck do you guys even have this guns from!?"

Max- Doesn't matter Y/n we should go. Like now!"

Lando's pov

Lando- Y/n can you please wait and not run away like always!"

She lookes at me and stands still.

(I probably messed up like really bad now. Why didn't I just shut up. I'm so dumb)

Max's pov

(Omg this is to much for me. I got hit and I wasn't even involved)

Y/n still stands there not believing what he said wothout moving

Y/n- Running away like I always did. Yeah ofc Norris. As if I always run away. The only time was this afternoon.

Y/n was screaming at Lando. This not gonna end well.

Max- Comon buddys let's go home we fix this shit all there I'm done with you two!"

I take Lando's right hand and Y/n's left hand and walk on.

(Ohh not now)

Y/n- No Max i'ts nice of you and what you trying to do but not this time. We fix this here till were done. No fight. No blood. No fist's. But the last thing we're doing now is leaving."

I pull my hand out of his grip and stand infront of Lando and there was silence for at least 20 seconds.

Lando: „I'm so sorry I know I need you and I'm sorry for today and everything I said can you please forgive me I really need you even it took some time to recognize!"

I smiled at him.

Y/n- Wooow Lando. Wow. I'm impressed you even thank me for what me and Max just did. We got you out of there after who the hell knows what they wanted to do with you."

Max- Wait. I didn't do anything here. You could also say I wasn't even here just that this is clear!"

Y/n and Lando both look at me and back at eachother.

(Ohh whatever)

Max- I'll just wait over there sitting on a bench."

Y/n- Yeah do that."

Lando- Y/n please forgive me."

Lando stepped a bit closer to Y/n.

Y/n- No Lando. Stop it I'm done with you. How could you even do it. End our friendship. I don't get it. And how the hell could you even fell in love with her? After eveything she did to me! How? Tell me Lando how could you do that.... F*ck you Lando. F*ck you Norris I never wanna hear your name again."

Y/n starts crying really hard.

Your pov

Y/n: „Ewww wtf Norris?" I push him away.

Lando: „What. I wanted to hug you comon forget what happen and we just start allover again... Hey I'm Lando!"

You start to cry even more.

Lando: „What's wrong now, you never cry."

Y/n: „What the hell is wrong with you!! You said you don't wanna be friends anymore because I'm trash so just shut It's to late Norris. This won't work ever again. Wrong place, wrong time wrong guy! And you know I can't just forget what we had. It was more than friendship you know that but yeah your maybe right at one thing in your live. Let's just forget eatchother and everything we've done or archived together. Yeah that sounds like fun to me."

You walk away with tears rolling down your face.

Lando pulled you back and you turn back, him still holding your hand. I look down on his hand and at then at him.

His other hand searches my other arm with was in my jacket pocket so he pulles my arm out of it and hols both of my hands no in his hands.

He tries to hug me.

Even I actually am stronger than him. I am not anymore.

He hugs me and I just let it happen and cried in his shoulder.


troughout this whole situation I forget my arm was hurting.

Lando: „Don't be the mean Y/n. I know you better then anyone else and I don't want you to forget everything we had I want you forget how I reacted this afternoon I'm sorry it was her fault. Can you please forgive me. I know you want it as much as I do!"

I look at Max and smile. I think he gave me like a sign to be nice. And because Max is my friend I listen to him.

I smile at Lando and whisper something to his ear.

Lando put his arm around my back to stand closer to me.

I put one arm around his neck and the other to his shoulder and whisper something

Y/n- Lando bby, you know aswell as I do our friendship is over and were never gonna be friends again. This afternoon was the first thing but what just happened is to much for me seeing you tied to a chair because of a girl. I'ts your own fault. I'm just saying the next time I won't be there!"

You shoud've seen his face.

Tears rolling down his face before I wanted to let go I wip his tears away.

Y/n- You know the rules Norris! Don't ever call me. Don't text me. And don't even look at me.
I know were still gonna see us one day but I hope this day will never come because I got a deal to sign. But look out for Max I don't want him to get hurt or anything."

I walk to Max not looking back. I hug him really hard cause I'm gonna miss him.

Max: „What happened there between you too, you now dating?"

I laughed still hugging him tight.

Y/n- I'm going to miss you Maxi boy!"

Max- What to you mean?"

Y/n- Well I'm going somewhere else now I wish you much luck in your carreer we will see each other in a later part in life! I will miss you Maxi! Goodbye!"


Hey guyssss

Hoping its interesting enough for you to keep on reading the rest of the story😍

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