part 22 - Lunch

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Your pov

Mr. Norris was so done from not winning.

Before Lily missed her shot I told her to miss it on porpose because I tought at least then they win as a team against us and so I just beat Lando  at 1 vs. 1.

But now we won as a team and the solo ranking wasn't looking better.

1. Lily
2. You
3. Lando
4. Carlos
5. Charles & Max
6. Alex & Tom

I did feel bad because I am a good looser but I know he isn't. Everyone was getting their stuff together so I stand over to Norris.

As I am sneaking up to him he is looking on the ground.
I lower my head so I can see his eyes. The angle was very weir so you had to start smiling which quick turned into a laughing.

You see a smile appeard on his face. You stand up straight again and lay a hand on his shoulder.

Y/n- I'm sorry!" You say while laughing.

Lando- Very realistic."

You put your other hand on his other shoulder and turn his body until he was standing just infront of you staring into your soul.

None of you said something and you have to clarify he does still have very pretty and shiny eyes.

Y/n- No I really am. I absolutely wouldn't mind see you winning against me."

He still isn't opening up to you.

You step a bit closer. Lando is still not breaking that eyecontact.

Y/n- I know you put alot effort into this today and I clearly could see it. Rhat is all that matters to me boy." You say while with a smile.

You lean in to him to whisper something into his ear.

Y/n- Looking good mio."

You distance yourself from him walking backwards to not break the eyecontact. He starts to smile and as you wanted to turn around he grabs your arm and pulls you to himself.

He shakes your hand with a good grip. His hands feel so soft.

Lando- Well played Y/S/N." He lets go of your hand.

Y/n- Oh I know." You winked at him and walked away with a smile on your face. Lily got all of my stuff together aswell so I thank her.

Lily- What was that over there. A bit close for enemies huh?" She laughed.

I smiled at her but did not respond cause she always teases me about his glow up. And she knows damn well I think he looks fine.

We all meet up at our cars as I see Charles waving at me to speed up to him. I slightly started to speed up.

Charles- Go go go." He starts laughing.

Y/n- Here sir."

He side hugs you to say hello again because you didn't talk to much during the game. Alex and Lily asked you to go out for luch.

Charles- It was our plan anyway so yes right Y/n?"

As I nod Carlos and Lando and the other boys are walking up to us.

Carlos- I have to leave sorry. But it was fun catching up and I guess I'll see you this weekend!"

As soon he said this he said goodbye to everyone and he left. I look at Tom and Max becazse Lando already said yes before.

Max- Yeah why not."

Tom also agreed so we discussed about were to go. Lando recommend a restaurant were the most of us never have been too. I was there a fee times with some friends. I really like so I agree and so does everyone else.

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