part 23- Are you friends?

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Your pov

Lando- I know it is hard. I was at the same point as you one day. Say it or it is too late. I do not want to loose you again!"

A tear rolls down my face. His soft fingers wipe it away. I feels like beeing a child again. beeing this close to him and nearly crying in front of him without a shame.
He opens his arm for me to hug me. I accept it an close my eyes. For some seconds it felt so right. But I don't want it to feel good. He used me.

Y/n- We should not have this conversation here and now!"

You look down on his pocket until he noticed it and gets my concealer out. I Put some under his eyes and blend it out with my fingers.

Lando- When then Y/n?"

He takes my hands out of his face.

Y/n- I am not finished."

Lando- Me neither!"

I put it in my purse and take my phone out.

Lando- Hey hey hey what are you doing I'm talking to you."

He pulled my phone out of my hands. With my fast reflex I can get to his hands and grab it but this time his grio was to strong for me.

Y/n- I was looking for a picture!"

You turn around and start to walk away. You remember you weren't finished with boending Landos concealer. So you walk back upt to him and start fixing it without talking.

Lando- Thank you."

Y/n- Mhm!"

He was still waiting for me to give him a proper awnser.

Y/n- Ok good. then now. I wanted to show you a box. A box with every little thing I have from you or that you gifted me. Every letter or picture I have is in this box. You don't know how many times I wanted to burn this shit but your Mother told me not to cause you did a mistake back then. I know what she meant! Im sick of you."

Lando- Tell me!"

Y/n- You lost your best friend. And I know damn well I was a good friend. I was there for you and Max when you needed me. But you decided to turn your back on me. What did I get from that. Anger issues, trust issues, therapy sessions and no friends that are there for me!"

I get a bit louder. Still nobody was seeing us which is better for both uf us. I shrugg my hands and start laughing.

Lando- I am so so sorry. I didn't knew anything of this. Please let me fix this now!"

He grabs for my hands and softly he strokes my hands.

Y/n- No it was a joke. Well I did have therapy sessions. And maybe I also have anger issues but who knows." You laugh a littlr and a smile apears on his face.

Y/n- I still would prefeer not to talk here!"

He agrees and we walk but to out place without saying anything else. I think it was enough for both of us for the rest of the day.
He sits down first and I follow him directly.

Charles- What took you both so long?"

Y/n- We talked!"

Max- So you finnaly friends?"

Both- Nope!"

All of the group were having a laugh about it.

You and Lando didn't had to sit back down for so long cause they already paid so you can leave. On the way out Lando was walking behind you. You open the door for both of you but before he walked out you hear someone yelling after you.

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