"There's only two beds" Part 1

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What is going on: You are Nancy little sister by 1 year and you're your parents favorite child. you , Steve, Nancy, Robin and Eddie are going on a 'big kid only road trip'. You, Steve, Eddie, Robin and Nancy going to stay at a motel for the night.

Steve and Eddie both have a chush on you, also Robin likes Nancy. And you are female in this story

*Steve's POV*
Look at Y/N, she looks so cute.

*Your POV/third person*
Steve was driving while Robin an Eddie were sleeping with Nancy reading a book and you looking out your window.
It's now 11:47 as You and the gang pull up the the motel, you wake up Eddie and Nancy wakes up Robin. About 2 minutes later you all walked in to the lobby and checked in. "Hello" said a old sweet lady at the counter, "Hello mis, how are you?" I asked "old, but ok" the old lady laughed a bit. "We're checking in for the night, ma'am" Steve said "Name?" " Steve Harrington, ma'am" she started to type then paused. "Ok Mr. Harrington, here is your key" she said giving Steve the key with numbers saying 132. "Thank you" Robin said taking the key from Steve and running down the hall. "Robin!" Steve started running after her fellowed by You, Nancy and a very sleepy Eddie Muson.

Steve finally caught Up to Robin and grabbed the key out her hands. "Don't EVER do that again Robin!" Steve told Robin before opening the door. Steve walked in fellowed by Robin, Nancy, You then Eddie.The room was a light grey color and black carpet. In the room was two beds, desk, a TV, bathroom, two side table and a dark blue rug.
"There's only 2 beds?" Nancy question. "Eddie! Thought you said you got a 4 bedroom room!?" Nancy said "I did! At least I think I did?" "Eddie!" Steve yelled, "I'll go talk to the lady at the front and see if we can get another room." Nancy said while walking out the room. "Ok, I'm going to sleep" Eddie said walking to the bed then was at the back of the room. "Me too" Robin said plopping on the bed by the door.
I sit at the desk while taking out my notebook and pencil. I started to doodle little things like smiley faces, flowers and spiders. I like spiders, their pretty cool.
"What are you drawing?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to see Steve standing beside me. "Oh, I'm just doodling things"I smiled at him, "Can I see?" "Sure!" I grabbed my notebook and give it to Steve. He eyes looked up and down all over the paper. "Your really good at drawing" Steve looked at you with a soft smile, "Thanks Stevie" you smiled back. Steve handed you your notebook and you coutied drawing.

* Time Skip Bitch *
(It's been 20 minutes)

Robin and you were talking about what you were going to do when you got to (where ever you want to you), while Steve and Eddie were watching TV. "She said that she can't get us another room sadly, so we have to share the two beds." Nancy said opening the door and closing it behind her fast. "We have to SHARE!" Eddie yelled "unless you want to sleep in the car." Nancy said sitting on the bed me and Robin were on, " How about, Robin and Eddie there and Nancy Y/N here" Steve said standing up from the bed he was on. "NO! way! I'm not sleeping with Eddie!" Robin said "I will not be sleeping with Eddie either!" Nancy said. "How about me and Nancy here and you and Eddie over there" Robin said pointing at the bed a cross from the one she was on. "What about me, Robin?" " You can sleep with the boys" Robin smiled to Steve and Eddie. You looked at your watch and it said, 12:14. "I'm not going to fight about it because I'm to tired too." You walked to the bed in the back of the room as Nancy lock the door and turned off the TV.

To Be Continued

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