Marshall's lil Sister (PT 2)

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Im not good at writing spice or, it's going to be very bad. Im sorry

!¡Spoilers for The Lost Boys¡! (Kinda...)

"Lets go to my room" Haley grabbed me and I followed her to her room. 

  We walked up the long, dark brown stairs into A short hallway. The hallway was a light tan color, with dark brown on the side.

  "Here it is" Haley smiled as opened the door. The room was beautiful, and a bit messy, but beautiful. "Wow" I smiled as I sat on her bed. "It looks really cute" I smiled again, "but not really your aesthetic" I looked at her. "I know, I've been here for a two months. I'll be getting some things for my room" she sat next to me. "How have you been?" "Looking for you and our pack. And luckily, I found both" I looked at her. "Really?" "Yea, but let's not get sad here. How about we watch a movie?" "Sure" "The Lost Boys?" "Hell yeah!" She yelled grabbed a DVD of The Lost boys. "I haven't watched it in forever" I smiled as I put it in the tv. "Me nether" Haley smiled. "We should got some sneaks" "yeah" we got up.

    Me and her both ran down stairs like when we were little pups. Me and her raced to the kitchen. I beat her, just like when we were pups. "What do you want?" Haley asked, "m&Ms, peanut m&Ms, nerds, gummies or cotton candy?" She finished her question. "How about like?" I smirked, "just like when we were pups" she smiled. She put all the things in a bag, so it would be easier to carry upstairs. I made two bags of popcorn, me and her both love popcorn. A lot...

  After we made our popcorn, Rebekah wanted to join. I said yes, cause she seemed cool. I grabbed another bag of popcorn and made it for her. 

  "So, how does.... This work?" "Well, we just watch movies, do each other hair, talk about boys and other stuff" I smiled. Rebekah smiled as we walked up the stairs. "This is going to be fun!" I yelled as i walked in. 

     I jumped on the bed and placed the popcorn down. I jumped off the bed and sat in a chair, that I moved in front of the bed. Rebekah and Haley sat on the bed behind me. "Yn, could you press play?" Haley asked, "sure!" I jumped up and pressed play before sitting back down. "What are we watching?" Rebekah asked, "The Lost Boys" I turned to her with a smile. "What's that?" "Its a vampire movie" I said. "oh, so this is a vampire movie?" "Yep! Me and Haley watched it when we weren't suppose to" I laughed. "Well that, let's get started" Haley started to do my hair. "Rebekah, do you want me to do your hair?" I asked, "sure" she moved down and sat in front of me. As Haley did my hair, I did Rebekah's. 

    We were now at the part where Michael, Star, Laddie and the Lost Boys are at their cave.

  "So Rebekah, do you have a crush on anyone?" I said finishing up her hair,  "In the movie" Haley added. "  "I think, Dwayne, he's cute" she said looking at the scene. How about you Haley? Still like Paul?" I wiggled my eyebrows, even though she couldn't see them. "I bet you still like Marko and Sam" she fired back at me. "What!? Their cute" I told her. We laughed at the stupid little argument we had. 

Skip Time~~~

Third person

   Half way through the movie, the girls fell asleep. Haley was laying on her stomach on her bed, facing the tv. Yn on the chair with her feet on another. Rebekah was next to Haley, laying on her stomach too. The girls were fast a fall, until Yn woke up.

Yn's POV

  I woke up to the ending of the movie. With the frog brothers, Sam and Michael setting up the house for the attack.

  I stood after a minute of adjusting to my eyes. I turned to see Rebekah and Haley sleeping on her bed. I quietly walked and opened the door. I turned and closed the door quickly and quietly. After closing the door, I turned back to see Klaus. "Hello luv" "hello Mr. Mikaelon" I started to walk to the stairs. "Mr. Mikaelon?" Klaus followed me to the kitchen. "What do you want Klaus?" I turned to look at him. He got inches away from me and leaned down "You..." He said in a low voice, my Spine Shivered.

   "What?" I looked up at him, he smirked and kissed me.  I surprisingly kissed back, I kinda liked it. He was a great kisser. He hands grabbed my waist, pulling me closer to him. Then I felt cold air. I opened my eyes to see, we were in a different room. 

  Klaus placed me on the bed and started to move to my neck. Bitting and sucking on in. "Klaus..." I moaned, I felt he lips smirk in to my neck. "Yes luv?" "You're... You're an... Vamp-" "it's fine. I wouldn't bit to hard" he said, moving to my collar bone. "Klaus. What... What about your siblings?" I couldn't help but moan. "It'll be fine" he said as I ripped my shirt in two. "Hey! That was one of my favorite tops" I yelled at him. "I'll get you another" he said making his way to my breasts. "Klaus-" "shut. Up." He said, and so I did. He then ripped off my dark purple laced bra. "Cute" he Whispered in my ear as he took off my Jean shorts. "On your knees" he said. I quickly got on my knees and looked up at him.

   I have had sex, but never with a vampire. I've only had have sex with other wolves and humans. Never a vampire. Oh boy, was this going to be fun.

  Klaus smirked again as he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. I could see the bugle in his dark blue boxers. I  swallowed, scared of how big it would be. "Go on luv..." 

And that's were I'll leave it off! (There will be a part 3) 

Word Count: 1000+

Sorry I left you on a cliff hanger😁❤💖

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