You & Weasleys (Thanksgiving Edition)

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Outfit above🔝


You're Y/N black, Sirius Black's daughter. It is Thanksgiving and you were invited to the by Fred and George Weasley to come over. You always talked to Molly and got along with her, you would always help her cook, and chit chat about everything, she would always ask you how her little boys and Ginny are doing.

⚠️ Warning (for some people)⚠️
Sirius Black X Remus Lupin
Daddy issues
Sirius Black - dad
Remus Lupin - Dad

Ok? Ok

Pup- your nickname that your dad's named you
Y/N/N- your nickname aka you can choose
Y/N- Your name

"Come on guys! We can't be late! Our mom will kill us!" Ron yelled, "Ron, we have Y/N and mum LOVES Y/N more then Harry" Fred responded. "I'm just happy that Y/N is coming for Thanksgiving" Ginny hug me as we walk, me, Ginny, Ron and Harry were behind Fred and George. As me and Ginny talked I saw her looking at Harry, "Does Ginny have a crush?" I teased her as Fred and George laughed. "Stop!" I said her face looking a blight red, I laughed at her as Harry and Ron started talking again.
  We finally arrived at the borrow what Fred and George going first, then Ron and Harry fellowed by me and Ginny. "Where! Have! You! Bee-" Mrs.Weasley stopped as soon as she saw Harry and me. "Y/N. Harry, I'm happy to see you too!" She walked to us and gave us a very big hug. We all walked in the living room to see Bill, he's wife, Charlie and Mr.Weasley. "ah, Harry. Y/N, nice to see you" Mr.Weasley said as he and anyone else stood up to greet us. A few minutes later Hermione came and anyone started talking to each other. "Y/N, dear. Do you want to help me cook?" "Yes please!" I hopped up and walked to the kitchen to Molly. "Can you help cut up the veggies, please?" "Of course!" I walked to the counter an grabbed a knife and started to cut. First the onions then carrots, beat and final the lettuce. I started cutting the onions when Fred and George walked in, " Mum?" "Mhm" she . "Can Y/N stay the night?" George asked. She turned to look at him, "First we have to get permission from Y/N's fathers. Second where would she sleep" she raised her one eye brows. "In our room" Fred said smirking, "Why not with me?" Ginny popped her head in the kitchen. "If Sirius says yes, then she will sleep in your room. Ok?" "Yes!" Ginny said, I turned and smiled at her. Fred and George looked mad, but just turned and walked back to the living room. Ginny continued smiling as she walked back to the living room too.
  Now I was cutting the lettuce when Ron walked in, "Hey, Y/N?" "Yea, Ron?" Molly was in the bathroom at the time. "Can you help me? Tell Hermione-" "You like her?" I cut me off as I turned to look at him. "Yes, Ronnie. I'll help you" I laughed as I turned around to the lettuce. He smiled and walked back to the living room. I finished the last of lettuce.
   "I'm back... And you done" Molly smiled, I smiled back at her. "Dinners almost ready!" Molly yelled to the other, "you are very helpful Y/N" "Thank you, Mrs.Weasley." 'knock knock' "I'll get it!" I said as I ran to the front door. I opened the door to see- "dad!" I hugged him, "What about me?" Remus asked. "Your here too!?" He joined the hug. "Of course" "We missed you Pup" Sirius said, "Sirius?!" Harry ran to my dad. Sirius stopped hugging me and hugged Harry as me and my Dad walked to the living room. "Mr.Lupin, nice to meet you" Mr.Weasley said, "Hello" "Professor?!" Hermione asked "hello Ms. Granger" she ran and hugged him. "I see you've missed me" he laughed, I laughed too.
  After a while it was dinner. Mr Weasley was at one of the ends with Mrs Weasley on he's right and Bill on he's left. Next to Mrs Weasley of Ron and next to Ron was Hermione, Harry in front, Ginny beside Harry. Me in the middle of Fred and George, with my dad's in front of me.
  Mr Weasley and my dad's were talking about muggle thing, Harry, Ron and Hermione were talking about school. Mrs Weasley listened to her husband and my dad's talk. I talked with Fred and George about me sleeping over.
  "Why can't you stay in our room?" Fred asked, "because your mum said so" I told him. "Mr Black?" George asked, my dad looked at him followed by Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley and Dad. "Yes?" He raised he's brow, "Can Y/N stay the night? Or the week?" My dad looked at Mr and Mrs Weasley, they nodded a 'ok'. "Yes, she can stay. But only for 3 days, we need to spend time with her too." "Yes!" Fred and George yelled at the same time, causing me to laugh. "And she's staying in Ginny's room" Mrs Weasley said, stopping the twins of celebrating. They sat down and we all going back to the conversations we were having.

                                 (Remus's POV)

  I felt happy knowing that Y/N was safe, I trust the Weasley very much.
  I know those Weasley twins like Y/N, because their faces got a little mad when Mrs Weasley said "And she's staying in Ginny's room". I'm happy that Y/N is happy.

                                To be continued


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