Raining Men

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You were walking back to the tower, watching as men and women pasted, dogs with their owners. It was beautiful. *Ring ring* your phone sounded. You stop walking and pulled out your ringing phone. Looking at the ID, it said Tony (Boss). You pressed answer and held it up to your ear. "Hello?" "Yn, can you come to the tower? The guys are sad, and they won't get off the couches. "Already on my way" You smiled and hung up on Tony. You started to run, as fast as you could, to get to your baby boys. 

"Alright, I'm here" you ran in the living room. "Yn?!" All the guys smiled and ran over to you. "Your back!" Thor hugged you tightly, "I was only gone from 15 minutes. "To long" Pietro hugged you, "you guys are such babies" you rolled your eyes. "No, we're not" You're still hugging me" "because I want too!" You were now being crowded by Thor, Pietro, Client, Banner, Steve, Loki and Peter. "What are you guys doing?" Tony walked in the room with a confessed face. "Yn's back, Mr. Stark" Peter smiled and Tony. "Oh, finally you're here. I need your help on my suit" "ok" you smiled, pulling yourself away from the guys. "No, bring me my princess back" Pietro sped over and grabbed Yn, pulling her back to the group.

Word Count: 200+

I hope you enjoyed this image and the book. There will be a second and maybe third book after this

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