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"Young master it's time to wake up"

Taehyung groaned in his sleep and covered his head with another pillow.He was having a beautiful dream and the last thing he needed was his digital assistant's annoying voice.

"Young master"

"MK shut it.Jungkook please tell him to shut up"Taehyung searched for his bedmate with closed eyes but he didn't find him.The space besides him was cold.Now that he thought about it he didn't see his spouse when he got back home last night.He had even went to bed without him.

"Didn't he come home again?"Taehyung thought out loud.It was the seventh day he was waking up alone.A whole week without seeing his husband.There wasn't even a call to explain his whereabouts.

"Young master you are going to be late"

Taehyung sighed,sat up straight on the bed and crawled to the edge of the bed.He flipped his hair and cupped his face.

"Thanks for ruining my beautiful dream MK"he grumbled

"You are most welcome sir"

Taehyung groaned in annoyance"I hate you"

"I will keep that in mind"

Taehyung was so done.MK was just a software but he had a mind of his own.At times Taehyung gets the feeling that he is taking to a real person.The thought gives him goosebumps.

MK was a gift from Namjoon.He was one of Taehyung's friend who owned his own tech company.He had built it from scratch with the help of a few well wishers.Now it was included as one of SK's best tech companies.Namjoon had met Taehyung on a business seminar.The younger had thought that the older was an absolute genius and he needed a friend like that in his circle.

"Talk about sarcasm overload"Taehyung shook his head and pulled himself off the bed.He yawned and stretched.The software was just as sarcastic as the bunny he had been married to for years.

He walked a few yards and then whipped open the thin curtain.A beautiful garden came into view.Taehyung was into gardening and his husband thought that it was a peculiar hobby for an alpha.

"MK is there an messages on my phone?"

"There is a voice note from"Jin hyung"

"Play it"

"Hey Tae.I hope you had a lot of rest.I know I'm not your PA but i thought i should remind you about the board meeting.You are the Chairman after all.I'm saying this as your friend mentor and a member of the board,don't be late.It won't look good"

"Thanks MK"

"You are most welcome"

Taehyung walked into his bathroom and stripped down.He then stepped into the shower and switched on the warm shower.He pressed his palms his against the porcelain wall and allowed the water to soak his dark clocks and relax all the bundled up nerves in his body.

Looking back at his life until now it been a movie.Movie.That was the one word he would use to describe his life.It was unreal.

From what he learnt his parents perished in an accident and he was the only survivor.He was only a baby then. Someone got him out of the car before it exploded with his parents in it.The person who saved him took him to the orphanage and left him in the hands of a nun.There he had lived until he was five.He was alwalys alone and sensitive.No one ever came for him.

He met Mr Jeon when he came to visit the orphanage.Somehow he took interest in Taehyung and offered to sponsor his education.He believed he had a bright future and the potential to do great things.Taehyung attended the best schools in town even though he stayed at an orphanage.When he turned 18 he had to leave the orphanage.Mr Jeon bought him his own apartment and made sure to visit often.Sometimes he came alone and sometimes with Jungkook.

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