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"It's an honour to have you grace this house with your presence"

Taehyung's deep angry voice filled Jungkook's ears as soon as he stepped inside the room.He took the chance to look his husband up and down.
The younger's left eye twitched when he felt his husband's gaze on him.Was he underdressed or what.He shivered and his insides churned terribly.

The alpha was standing by the window.He had now discarded his jacket and only his dress shirt and waist coat remained.His gaze was sharp.Jungkook felt it piercing through his soul.

"You sound like a total ass hole"Jungkook said as he turned his back to the alpha while he shut the door.As soon as he was done his alpha was hovering over him.

"What was that.When did you start keeping things from me Jeon.So you have suddenly grown up then?"Taehyung growled,his eyes flared

"Taehyung...calm down"

"You should be giving me an explanation right now.What did i do for you to avoid me"

"Great.I'm glad you have brought up the question.I was doing it on purpose"the smaller yelled,his eyes wide.

"To get my attention?"Taehyung asked incrediously.

"Obviously.When I'm being a good boy you hardly give me attention.You are never here and when you are here you always come back home when I'm asleep and I'm sick of it"the younger spat

"You know very well the reason why I'm never here.I'm busy with work and i thought you understood that"the older's words came out harsher than intended.

"Busy?It's okay to be busy for a while but not for three years now.If this goes on there won't be any relationship in the future.I won't have you take advantage of me"

"I have told you that it would come to pass.Just bear with me.I'm not neglecting you on purpose.You know that I'm doing this for us.For our future.I thought you would support and cheer me on this"the alpha's demeanor had softened all of a sudden.

Jungkook shook his head rapidly"You are doing this for yourself Taehyung.I never wanted your money.I have my own and you know that very well"

"Baby listen..."

"Taehyung...i just want your love and attention.But all i got from you for the last three years was excuses and apologizes."

"I'm sorry for not putting you first but everything is on my shoulders.I have many responsibilities and i just can't ignore them"

"When will this go on.I need you Taehyung.You are all that i have.You are all my life.If you neglect me then what do you want me to do.Who will i turn to.Tell me.I honestly feel that I'm no longer important to you.You have put your work before me.I mean nothing to you don't i?"the younger choked on a sob.

Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face"Look at me.Everything that you are thinking and feeling is not true.I care about you and you will always be my top priority.Nothing will change that.I just ask for some time and your understanding.Trust me i will set things right"

"If you don't want me anymore just say it.I will let you go"Jungkook's lips were whobbling at this point.

"Do you want me to sell the business?Just say the word and i will do it in a heart beat.You know that i have always done anything for you"Taehyung said

Jungkook shook his head rapidly"No you can't sell it.It was a gift from your grandfather and you should treasure it."

"So what are you saying"

"I just want just a little bit of your time.I just need to feel like you are there for me.I don't want you to leave all your responsibilities for me.You would only start hating me for iy.If you tell me to leave my job then i will start hating you too"

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