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Jungkook came out of the bathroom after changing into something dry like Taehyung wanted.The omega had gotten into one of his old clothes from his closet.Taehyung had been waiting for him on his bed.

"Baby come here"Taehyung invited the omega to sit on his lap.

"Yes hubby"Jungkook smiled as he sat on his husband's lap.

"I want you to know that no matter what happens between us i will never hate you.No matter how ugly our relationship gets i will always love you.You are all that i have and you mean the world to me"

"Even if i grow horns one day and do things you can't forgive?"

"Yea.I might get angry but it won't be forever.I won't ever desert you.I love you always"

"I love too"

"You haven't eaten have you?Let's order something then we can go to bed"

"We aren't going home tonight?"

"I thought we should spend the night here together.Don't you want that?"

"I would love that."

"Can i get something to change into"

"I'm sure you left your clothes in my closet the last time you were here.Have a shower while i look for them"

"Sure love"

"I will use your phone to order.Tell me what you want to have?"

"Anything you want.I will eat whatever you want"

After two hours the couple laid in the bed in each other's embrace.Jungkook's head was on his husband's such after a long while.He really missed this.On the other hand Taehyung was playing with the omega's hair.

"Do you remember what happened the last time we were in this room"

"I can't quite remember"

"Really Tae.You broke my bed.There is no way you can forget that"

"I don't remember breaking the bed.You were here too weren't you and if we are being honest you are the reason why the bed broke in the first place"

"What did i do?"

"You kept asking for more as if it was the last time you will ever have your heat"

"Wasn't it the time our baby was conceived"


"I wish i had known what my dad had been up to those days.He was avoiding me and i couldn't see through him.Do you remember that he would always leave every time we came over for a visit.How could he hurt me that way"

"Baby he had his reasons"

"Don't defend him.His actions cant be justified.That wasn't cool.I never thought that my own father could break my heart the way he did"

"He found out too late.There was nothing he could do about it.He probably didn't want you to be sad by telling you that he wasn't going to live long"

"Hubby please take me home as soon as the sun rises.I don't want to be here any longer.I don't want to think about the parents that left me on my own.They didn't care about it so why should i miss them.All they did was break my heart"

"Baby breath okay.I got you"

"I don't think i would be able to live if you leave me too.What would be the reason for my existence"

"Don't say that"

"It's the truth.I can't imagine my life without you.A life without you with be meaningless.I don't want it"

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