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Taehyung had no way of knowing when Jungkook would be back so he kept checking the penthouse.The following Saturday evening he found the lights of the penthouse on.It was around eight and he took the courage to go up there and see his husband.The key to fix their relationship was in his hands.If Jungkook wanted to be chased around town that's what he was going to do.

He didn't just walk in like he owns the place.The alpha rang the door bell like a normal guest.Drama was the last thing he wanted.He would only go inside if Jungkook wanted him to.Taehyung rang the door bell about five times but he didn't get any response.He was about to call it quits when the door was unlocked from the inside.

He paused and a small head peeked through the door."It's you hubby"the smaller grinned

"Is there someone inside you don't want me to see?"Taehyung tilted his head.

"Wait what?Jealous is not a good look on you Mr Kim"

"Why don't you open the door"

"Because I'm naked."

"Why are you naked"

"I'm just coming out of the shower.I couldn't do much because you kept ringing the door bell.I'm dripping wet right now"

"I'm sorry.I didn't know"

"It's nothing to apologize about"

"Can i come in?"

"Wait here.Let me grab my bathrob first"

Before Taehyung could protest Jungkook had already shut the door in his face.Five minutes later Jungkook came back to open the door.

"You can come in"

"When did you come back?"Taehyung asked as he watched the omega walk ahead of him.His booty was jingling through the fabric of the bath rob as he walked.The sight made Taehyung painfully hard.He found himself wondering if the younger was wearing any underwear beneath that robe.

"I got here a while ago.In the afternoon"

"I see"

"Why are you even here?"Jungkook asked his husband mildly

"I missed you"

"I see"

"That's all you are going to say?"the alpha arched a brow

"I don't have words for you.What do you want me to do about it"

"I came to take you on a date."


"Yeah movie and ice cream.Won't you like that"

"But i don't have anything to wear.Most of the clothes that i have here are all dirty.I have had time to do laundry"

"Do you mind if i check the closet?"

"By all means"Jungkook sat on the bed and watched his husband go through the closet.

"How was New York?"

"Lovely.I had a great time.Wonderful"Jungkook said

"Did you even think about me?"

"No"Jungkook lied.He was just acting indifferent but there is no way he could never think of the love of his life.

"Not even once?"the alpha pressed


"Don't you love me anymore?"

"That's not the point"Jungkook was quick to say.

"Do you resent me?"

"For goodness sakes,no"Jungkook whined in frustation"Stop saying that"

"So I should get used to you being mean to me?"

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