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Jungkook met Jimin ,Nayeon and Eunwoo at their favorite cafe.The wedding was just around the corner and they had to make last minute arrangement.Everyone on the table noticed that Jungkook was being usually quite.He was just sipping on his smoothie without making any contribution like he usually does.

"Are you good koo?"

"Oh I'm fab"

"I heard that Taeyang group had a successful takeover.They now own an insurance company.I mean your boy didn't come to play"

"Good for them"

"Baby why are you always bragging about some else's husband?"Eunwoo asked

"What?Are you getting jealous of your best friend's husband"

"Why wouldn't i be?You bring him up whenever you get the chance.What's up with that?"

"Kookie do you have a problem with me talking about your husband?Do you feel threatened by me?"

"Of course not.You aren't his type anyways.Only Kim Jungkook is Kim Taehyung's type"

"I don't know about you but i got that loud and clear"

"Then please talk to your best friend over there"Nayeon said

"Don't mind him.He is just nervous about the wedding"Jungkook said

"But to be honest i would have married him right away if i had met him first"Nayeon said

"Well too bad for you"

"The deal was finalized on the day of your launch.Did he tell you?"

"I was too upset to give him a chance to explain himself."

"At least you know he didn't lie to you.He wasn't messing with someone else"

"It still doesn't make the situation better.My husband is successful but i can't bring myself to be happy for him.The more responsibilities he gets the more distant he gets from me.As much as i hate to say it.I don't see a future between us"

"Did you really leave home?"

"He told you?"

"I'm his best friend remember.Of course he told me.If he doesn't tell his best friend then whom will he tell.He needed support"Jimin said

"And i assume he told you what forced me to make that decision"

"He did and I'm not going to defend him.I just want to ask you how long this will last"

"I don't know.Maybe until he decides to put me first.This time around I'm putting my foot down"

"Kookie what went wrong.When i called you on Monday morning you told me that you had made up?"Nayeon asked

"It only lasted a day.He promised me he would be home by eight yet he arrived at ten.Not even a phone call to tell me that he would be late.How long am i supposed to put up with this disrespect"

"Just be hopeful.Your love is bigger than that.I believe you guys can beat this"Jimin said

"Just tell me how you made up though."

"He finally told me that he is in love with me"

"What?Since when?"Nayeon asked in surprise.

"He said since i was in my teens."Jungkook shrugged

"He had feelings for you since then?"

"What did i tell you Jungkook?"Eunwoo asked.

"I was afrad of getting disappointed so i just went with the flaw"

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