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10 years later.

Being a parent to a daughter is a blessing and Jungkook had experienced it for five years.His blessings was doubled because he had two daughters.Twins to be precise Daughters that looked excatly like their older brother.Playing dress up had become an everyday thing.Whenever his daughters were home he would always have colorful hair pins in his hair and he didn't mind a single bit .

Sana and Mina went to kindergarten during the day.They got off at three in the afternoon.The kindergarten bus picked them up in the morning and then drop them.Jungkook didn't have to worry for their safety.As soon as Jungkook and their brother gets home they would bother them with their homework.Once homework is out of the way then it would be their favorite part of the day:playtime.

At the moment Jungkook had set up a tent for them in the middle of the living room.It was white and decorated with a lots of lights.Jungkook and his daughter were inside having a tea party along with their dolls and teddy bears.

"Guys I'm home"Taehyung announced and the tent became empty in a second.

"Daddy"the twins said in chorus as they ran to their father.Taehyung knelt down so he could carry both his daughters into his arms

"My princesses"he pecked their cheeks and they did the same.Eventually he let them down and approached Jungkook.

"Come here you"he pulled the omega towards himself by the waist.

"Welcome home"

"You look pretty.I now know where our daughters got their looks"

"You just realized it now?"Jungkook sassed

"Where is Tae?"Taehyung asked

"In his room.Sleeping"

"Sleeping this early.Its not even dinner time yet.That's not like him"his son would be busy running after his sisters and turn the entire house up and down.

"He slept when i went to pick him up after his soccer practice.He must have been tired.It's good that he gets a lot of sleep.Tomorrow is his big deal"

"He should wake up so we can have dinner together"the alpha said

"Sure.Mina go and wake your brother.He has to eat"

"No baby.I will go.I don't want him to lash out at my princess.You know how annoyed he gets when he is woken up from a nap"Taehyung said

"How could i forget"Jungkook chuckled

"I will go"

Taehyung joked up the stairs and went to his son's room.He saw him laying on the bed with his soccer uniform on.The alpha couldn't help but get sentimental over his first born.The way Taeyang has grown still surprises him.It was like yesterday he left the hospital holding him in his arms.Now to think that he can't even carry him in his arms anymore.Taeyang is just ten but he now up to Taehyung's shoulder in terms of height

"Champ wake up.Let's have dinner"he slowly shook him up.

"Dad "

"It's me.Come on.I would have carried you if i could but you are heavy for me"

Taeyang sat up and hugged his father"I missed you"

"Is everything okay pal.Did something happen at school or soccer practice"

"I love you dad"

"I love you too big guy.Let's go before you give me a bigger heart attack."


Taehyung had heard from his friends that it wasn't easy dealing with kids when they reach puberty.He still had three years to prepare for it.Hopefully his son won't be as bad.Taeyang was naturally soft natured and quite.Taehyung didn't know whom he had taken after.Nevertheless he was his pride and joy.Taehyung would never say this out loud to anyone but out of his three children Taeyang was the one whom he was attached to the most.

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