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Taehyung didn't move from his spot after Jungkook left.He was just staring blankly.The fact that all his friends were there to support Jungkook when he wasn't there made him feel horrible.If his friends could make time for his husband then why wouldn't he.

Nayeon came and waved her hand in front of his face.

"Taehyung...what are you thinking?"she asked the frozen alpha

Teahyung blinked"Nothing.Have you seen Jungkook"

"I'm also looking for him.Weren't you with him?"Nayeon asked

"He left.Maybe he went to the bathroom"the alpha said lowly

"I need to show him this.His fashion show is trending on all social platforms.And most importantly orders for his collection are pouring in.Our boy is a star and he is surely going to get busy and rich"she was holding an ipad.

"It's a hit?"

"Yeah you should go and look for him so we can party hard"

"Uhm will you please look for him.It's a request.We kinda fought"Taehyung stcratched the back of his head.

"Come to think of it you weren't there at the fashion show.Where in the world were you?You knew how much this event meant to him"

"I got caught up with work.It was quite unexpected and i know that my absence was inexcusable"Taehyung whispered

"Did you apologize?"Nayeon asked cooly

"You know how he is"Taehyung shrugged.

"You should have gone after him"

"I want to give him some space.He was very upset.He said he wants to leave me.I couldn't function after he said that.My nerves..."

"You know he won't leave you .People say things they don't mean when they are upset"Nayeon's voice was comforting

Taehyung hummed

"But don't assume that I'm on your side.You messed up badly and you have to make it up to him"she told him sternly

"I will try"

"I just hope he hasn't left his party because of you"

"I will go and look for him"

"You better"

An hour later Taehyung hadn't found Jungkook.His phone was switched off.His friends and everyone else was starting to leave.When he thought about going to find Jungkook he found the tyres of his car punctured.All for of them.It was kinda late for him to call his mechanic so he left the car at the hotel

He took a cab to his penthouse hoping to find Jungkook there but there was no one.He went to check at his father in law and also at their previous home.Jungkook wasn't there either.Finally he went home.That's the last place he thought the omega would be but he wasn't there either.

Taehyung plopped onto the couch and hid his head in his palms.His life has been stressful lately.His work was affecting his personal life.Jungkook felt that he was drifting away but the alpha didn't know what to do.

Right now he needed to find his husband but he didn't know where to start from.Yeontan came and sat besides him quietly.Taehyung noticed and gave the pet his attention

"Tell me what i should do pal"

Yeontan only looked at his owner.

"You miss mommy don't you?I promise you that i will bring him back"

Taehyung fished his phone out of his pocket and called up Jimin.

"Chim I'm sorry for bothering you so late"

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